Chapter 48

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Under the doctor's inspection every three hours and the strict supervision of Ji Linchen, Tang Shumi did not have any fever.

Three days later, Tang Shumi was discharged from the hospital.

The elegant Bentley is spacious and comfortable. Tang Shumi leaned in the back seat and looked out the window with interest.

After being in the hospital for several days, the whole person was a little languid.

Back in Mingyuan, Tang Shumi ran upstairs and rushed straight to the cloakroom.

Tang Shumi swept over the wardrobe, shoe cabinet, and jewelry table.

Under the laser light, the clean glass windows refracted silver-white light, pearly and magnificent.

She took a deep breath and sniffed the extravagant smell that filled the air day and night.

When the aftertaste was enough, Tang Shumi walked to the jewellery table. The glass showcase was clean enough to reflect her figure, and Ji Linchen must have asked someone to clean it in advance.

Jade bracelets, ruby ​​rings, diamond earrings, diamond-encrusted watches... Tang Shumi loves these beautiful gadgets with fascinating light.

She scanned each velvet box one by one, counting next to each other, lest she was missing something precious.

Counting, Tang Shu Mi Hey, then carefully counted again.

Strange, why so many.

Tang Shumi frowned. She remembered that there were 28 pieces on the first floor, but now there are 35 pieces.

Maybe I remembered it wrong, Tang Shumi pouted her lips and walked to the closet closet beside the wall.

She picked up a somewhat familiar but unfamiliar misty blue gauze skirt, the skirt studded with diamonds, gleaming, dreamy and blurred.

I'm familiar because I've seen it somewhere, but I've never seen it before.

It stands to reason that the design style of this skirt hit her heart, and it is impossible not to wear it.

Tang Shumi stood there and remembered it seriously.

Suddenly, a model's pose flashed in her mind.

She remembered!

It is a new winter product from the G family. I saw it in a magazine yesterday and was designed by the famous designer July. This dress is not a simple high-end dress. At the same time as the good news of the wedding was announced before July, the studio announced the withdrawal announcement.

In other words, this diamond dress is the last piece of July's design career.

It took half a year to complete, and the world is limited to three pieces, each of which is different.

Tang Shumi remembered that this one in her hand was the most expensive one, with 1,800 diamonds, which was extremely luxurious and shocking.

Suddenly appearing in her wardrobe, Tang Shumi was still a little confused.

After the confusion, I just want to jump to the sky for joy.

Ji Linchen didn't know when he leaned on the double doors, put his right hand in his pocket, and the corner of his lips made a slight smile.

"Ji Linchen!" Tang Shumi turned around, trot towards him, ran too fast, with too much inertia, and plunged into his tough chest.

Fortunately, Ji Linchen was prepared for a long time, raising her injured left hand before she rushed.

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