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I look at the pairs around me and I just grumble quietly to myself on the audacity of these people flaunting their relationships in front of me and I keep having zero success.

"Stop frowning. I already told you it only makes you more cute." Ming whispered as he settled in, next to me. I glared at him as Pha slung his arm carelessly over Ming. Pha chuckled and ruffled my hair over Ming's shoulders earning a glare from him. I snorted this time and turned to my food. Just then a cup of pink milk slid over to me. I looked up and saw it was Kit who had gotten it for me.

"P KIT! Thank you naaaaa" I uttered gratefully as I took the drink. Kit smiled at me and just settled the food for his girlfriend Milk who would be joining us shortly. Forth and Beam were nowhere to be seen and I figured those two lovebirds must be having their own private "lunch" somewhere. My face wrinkled and also reddened thinking of that possibility as it floated through my head.

Milk came and joined us. She was this really cute Communication Arts student who has been dating P Kit for about 3 months now. She was really nice but yet something struck me off about her. But who was I to comment, that isn't my style and plus P Kit was happy. That's all that matters, right?

We chatted animatedly about our plans for the weekend, we were going camping. Though not exactly my cup of tea but when your best friend is close friends with the hazing team, you go if they want to go because he will go and he will guilt trip you into going. I scowled at Ming when I thought about the upcoming camping trip.

Ming chuckled loudly when he realized I was frowning again over the impending trip. We discussed plans, rooming, tentage and all. When lunch was up, we all left as we all still had classes. It was a long day for me that ended around 7pm only. I was exhausted by the time I trudged out from the Business building. I was taking Business so I can take over my dad's business in the future but being the furthest building from the dorms, it was quite a distance away. I typically got a driver I can call but I was determined to be less reliant on him so i decided I would just walk back. It would be a 30 minute walk but na, it was manageable in this weather. With a gentle breeze blowing, I hummed softly to myself as I walked. Just as I passed the Medical faculty, I heard someone call out to me.

I turned around and saw P Kit. "P Kit! What are you doing here? I thought you ended at 5pm?" P Kit mentioned he had ended around 5.30pm but had date plans with Milk and waited for her but at the last minute, she had to go home as her parents called her back. I frowned at that slightly as it meant Kit must have been waiting for hours. He ruffled my hair and asked me if I was going home. I nodded in affirmation and he said he will drop me off. I wanted to reject but he flicked my head and said I couldn't do  so, so i accepted graciously and we went off. In about a few minutes, I reached my dorm. Kit's was just next door so I bade him goodbye and he drove off. As he drove off, before I turned into the entrance, I saw a couple at the carpark. I looked carefully and realised it was Milk with a guy who definitely couldn't be P Kit and neither family as she was kissing that guy. My eyes opened wide as I realized Milk had seen me but she just stopped kissing him, threw me a smirk and walked off with him.


Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now