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I left the snacks at P Kit's door and walked away. I decided to wait to see if he would call or make sure he slept early. I waited outside my car, having sent my driver off. Contrary to popular belief, I can drive. I just don't like to. I stood outside my car, just watching my anime and periodically looking up at Kit's windows. His lights were still on, which meant he was still awake. Around 10pm, he called me.

"How long do you plan to stand there?"

I looked up sheepishly. He was glaring at me from his 3rd floor window. I waved at him and he told me to come up. I went up and he opened his door for me.

He was quiet and didn't say much. I went in, tentative. He got me a drink and we sat in front of his TV, just silence blooming between us.

"P Kit, I don't want to ask what happened because its not for me to know. All I ask is, know that even if you don't feel like talking, you have a friend in me."

He just looked at me and turned away, switching on the TV. We just watched a show together, the jokes easing the tension and we broke into an easy conversation about the show. I stayed till  about 2am before I decided to go off. Kit saw me off and I waved him goodbye before getting into the car.

The next day, I met him and the rest for dinner after classes. I think he must have spoken to them for Pha and Beam did not bring up Milk again. I didn't see her anywhere around too. We had an enjoyable dinner before heading home. I decided to get a taxi when Kit offered to drive me home. I denied but he was persistent and even dragged me off.

"It's my way of thanking my friend ok? Thank u for being there yesterday." I smiled at P Kit and he dropped me off at my dorm. He got out of his car to make sure he saw me off and that's when we saw Milk. She came crying out of my dorm building and when she saw us, she burst into further tears.

"Kit!" She cried and ran into his arms. I watched as Kit was unsure on how to respond but he still eventually patted and comforted her. Between her sobs and tears, we managed to get the story out; the guy she was seeing broke up with her when he found out she was pregnant and wanted nothing more to do with her. Her parents found out she was pregnant and wanted her to do an abortion. She's open to the idea but going through it alone terrified her but her ex didn't even want to accompany her for it. I did feel bad for her when I heard that. I thought P Kit would feel the same way too and perhaps offer to accompany her so imagine my shock when he said, "sorry to hear that. Maybe you should ask your parents. Take care na" and he walked off, dragging me with him.

We walked off, leaving her stunned there. I wasn't quite prepared to leave her there alone and felt bad. Once we got to my room, I looked at P Kit and told him, "that's not nice P Kit. You were her moral support. Why can't you go with her?"

"Her moral support ended when she chose to cheat on me Yo. There are some things I draw a line at and cheating is one. The most I am willing to do is listen to her but it stops there. I am not going to get involved in her life again."

" But P Kit, she is so pitiful. All alone. She doesn't deserve this."

"Well I don't deserve to be cheated on too. She chose to bring this upon herself with her actions."

"P Kit.."
Kit stopped me by putting up his hands. I knew this was a losing argument so I let it slide. I thanked him for dropping me off and he nodded, told me to rest well and left. As I watched him drive off, I noticed Milk standing there at the taxi stand crying.

My heart went out to her. I then made up my mind. It could get me into trouble if anyone esp Kit found out but no one had to know.

No one at all.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now