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I was in my room, just completing some left over assignments when I heard a knock on the door. I wondered who it could be.

I went over and opened the door only to see Yo standing there with a backpack.
"Will it be ok for me to stay here till my dorm is ready?"

I smiled at him. "Of course, silly Yo. Come on in. Let me set up the bed with new sheets and all.."

Yo held onto my wrist, effectively cutting me off. I looked over at him, he smiled.

"No need to do all that P Kit. Your room is always very neat and tidy. I can sleep on the couch too."

I frowned at the idea of him sleeping on the couch and shook my head in disagreement violently. He chuckled at me. I ruffled his hair and just pulled him towards me gently. I gave him a small hug before letting go. This boy's cheeks always tinge easily.  I set up the bed and gave him space to keep his clothes and all.

Between that and doing my assignments, the day easily passed. Yo was also watching his own anime when I was finally done around 8pm. I looked up at him wanting to ask if he wanted dinner before he told me that he had already ordered and it was on the way.

I smiled at Yo and thanked him. He just took off to get a quick shower before coming out. When he came out, I discreetly flicked my gaze to his arms but they looked empty. No cuts nothing. I sighed inwardly. Suddenly Yo came up to me.

'I am not going to cut myself again P. Healing is tough but I will keep at it especially since I got all of you who care so much. And knowing that he is away and where he should be makes me feel so much more safer."

I sighed again, louder this time but out of gratitude. I stood up and just hugged Yo again, tightly this time, murmuring how thankful I was to see him safe and how much I had missed him.

For once, Yo reciprocated by hugging me back; he just laid his head on my chest and held onto me tightly. I breathed in this sweet vanilla bean aftersmell on him and it smelt so sweet, just like him. We stayed like that for abit, unaware of how close we were being until the door bell rang and we both jumped apart.

Our both faces were red and flushed. Yo hurried off to open the door whilst the hand gripping the table gave away my otherwise calm but flushed facade.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now