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I went to meet my parents the next day with Kit. He was seeing my home for the first time and was very quiet. I had never really shared on how rich I really was so I guess it was abit of a shock to him. He just looked around hesitantly. Just then Ming called me so I scurried off to answer the call.

Kit walked around and I saw my mom go over to him. They were having a conversation and I saw his face brighten abit. I just watched their interaction as I was busy on the phone. Once I was done, I went over. We had lunch together before we left. As we were heading back, I looked at P Kit and asked him.

"You ok, P Kit? You seemed really quiet earlier."

"Yea, everything is fine. I knew you were a prince. Just didn't realize how big a prince you are."

"P! please don't make fun of me. This is why nobody knows except for Ming because I don't want them making fun or taking advantage."

"I understand. I was just teasing you. But your parents are really nice and down to earth despite being so rich."

"Oh yes, saw my mom talking to you. Hope everything is ok?"

"Yea it is. She was just asking me about my studies, how you have been and all. Plus she invited me over for lunch next week too. I told her I come if I could."

"Oh, that's really nice. Looks like my mom likes you!"

"Of course, its really hard to dislike me you know. I am a parents magnet."

I chuckled at P Kit's humour. Didn't realize he could be this funny. He has always portrayed a feisty side that I didn't even think he was capable of humour. As we were reaching the dorm, Pha called and invited us to the bar. I didn't mind going but Kit wasn't in the mood. So, I declined the invitation too. Rather, we went back, bought my favourite sushi on the way and went home to watch anime and a romance film. It was a very pleasant night spent with Kit. As I was watching the movie, my eyes flicked over to him and I realized we seemed like a couple, spending our night in doing homebody stuff rather than partying it out like the pair of singles we were.

Over time, that became our routine. We would go for classes, have meals together and sometimes head out during the weekends doing stuff like movies and all. Until my new dorm was ready. And that was the day, we both realized how much we didn't want to leave each other. However, neither of us opened our mouth and kept waiting for the other. As I packed my things to move over, Ming came over to help. I watched P Kit from the side of my eye as he sullenly packed the rest.

"Why aren't you staying here?"

"How can I? He didn't ask me to!"

"Don't be an idiot. You know him well; he wouldn't open his mouth to ask. Just say you want to stay and he wouldn't disagree."

"Don't be silly. Why would I? I am not his boyfriend either. We cant stay together!"

"Really Yo, really? You guys been staying together for the last 2 months and you are practically glued to each other's hips and now you say you cannot stay together? Are you kidding me?"

"He was being nice because I needed a space. Really."

"Yo, don't be stupid. It could have started that way but tell me you two have no feelings for each other? Look at me, cross your heart and admit to it?"

I just looked at Ming and kept quiet, jutting my lips out stubbornly. I did have some feelings for Kit. But how do I confess? Plus the whole thing with Joss, despite being resolved did leave fear and trepidation in my heart about relationships.

I looked over at P Kit, who was now packing my favourite snacks for me and glancing periodically at me, sheepishly smiling when he was caught by me. His smiles just sent little ripples through my heart. Haix. Help. 

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now