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I woke up in the morning and found Yo sleeping on his side, a little distance away from me. I turned to face him, his back facing me.

My thoughts floated back to the conversation I had with Beam and Pha. I was pissed that Milk had sought them out but had not told them the entire truth making me look like an ass for ignoring her. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to air her dirty laundry. So I bit my tongue and almost went back but seeing this poor Yo, I decided to stay. And to be honest, he thinks I don't realize it but poor boy has been breaking his back ensuring I am comfortable and I know for a fact that he does not even like camping!

I sat up, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I decided to let Yo sleep in and out I went, only to see Milk sitting around a small fire built, with the boys. I didn't see Forth and Ming but the other two. This feels like a fucking personal attack. I kept quiet and joined them for a cup of coffee, firmly ignoring Milk.

"How long do you want to ignore her? Whatever the quarrel is, just settle it by talking." I just stared at Beam.

I pinched my nose bridge in frustration, not wanting to make Milk look bad. Then I heard her say, "We are a couple Kit. Let's talk about it ok?" . Oh god, hearing that just pissed me off. If I was her, I would have the common sense to keep quiet given she cheated!

I stood up angrily, "Milk, fucking stop it. You cheated on me. You are pregnant with another man's child. You chose to give up on talking when you decided to cheat. So stop behaving like you are innocent. I been keeping quiet because I didn't want you to look bad but you just asked for it!"  I yelled angrily, leaving a stunned Beam and Pha in my wake. Just as I turned, I saw Forth and Ming walking back and I knew they must have heard my yelling. I fully turned around and saw a wide eyed Yo looking at me.

I walked up to him, "I am going to leave. Please hitch a ride with the rest later." And I stomped off, packing my things and going off. My hands were shaking and I was super bloody pissed.

I went back to my dorm, locked the door and switched off my phone for the rest of the day. I had enough of all people poking their nose into my affairs. I knew Pha and Beam meant well but I wish sometimes they trusted me enough to make decisions and try to wait for my explanation. Around 7pm, I heard knocks on my door. I just ignored it. Then a piece of paper slid under the door. It was from Yo who had bought some snacks for me and he said he left it hanging on my door. I peeped into the peephole and watched him walk away. 10 minutes later, I opened the door and took the snacks in. I was a little surprised to see my favorite ones inside. He must have asked Pha then. But nevertheless I was touched by the effort.

I sat down grumpily, munching away. I looked over at my table and saw a framed photo of Milk and me. It made me so upset, I stood up and threw it, crashing it against the wall. I sat down in frustration on the couch, crying wondering why did I deserve this.

Did I really deserve to be cheated on?

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now