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The weekend with Yo passed way too quickly for my liking. On Sunday afternoon, Yo was packing up his last bit to bring over to his dorm. I watched him from the kitchen as I prepared lunch for us. I couldn't take it anymore.

I went out to the hall and stopped him from packing any further.

"Do you really have to go?"

"Kit, where else can I be then? I still need to go back to my own place eventually."

"This is your place too. Why can't you stay here?!"

"Kit.. I.. can't be here.. what if you want to bring someone you like one day here? Where do I go then?"

"What do you mean by someone I like? You are here, do you really think I will like someone else? I am already asking the person I like to stay here!" I blurted out in a flurry, the meaning of my words not hitting me till it was out. Bloody hell, I just confessed to Yo and possibly in the most least unromantic manner. I looked at him with alot of hesitation as I wasn't sure on how he will take to it.

"Kit.." I heard Yo falter. Maybe he didn't feel the same way I did. Maybe he just saw me as a friend, even as a brother. And here I was...

Wait, my thoughts got broken when I realized Yo was hugging me! I looked at him in shock. My eyes opened big seeing his doe like eyes looking up at me with that beautiful smile of his. I held onto him as he said,

"I thought I was going to have shamelessly tell you I wanted to stay here and not leave. I like you too Kit but wasn't too sure...on how you felt.. and.. this weekend was my final chance to be with you.."

I stopped Yo from speaking further by kissing him. He gasped softly under my sudden kiss but responded back fervently.

"I love you Yo. Can't have you away from me any more. I know you have had a bad experience but know I am here to be with you even during the bad ones and good."

Yo smiled sweetly and hugged me tightly. He called Ming some time later to bring his stuff back, claiming he found his forever home. I chuckled hearing that.

On Monday, we all met up for dinner, only thing was- we were all in couples.


And finally, my Yo with me.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now