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 I went off to open the door, the delivery guy waiting there. I took the delivery and tried to soothe my wildly beating heart in the process. Kit started to set up the dinner table and I helped him out. We had a quiet dinner in before Pha called him, asking him to come out for drinks. I could hear his end of the conversation and he was trying to reject them. I poked him and egged him to go for it.

He smiled at me and just told Pha, "Cannot. Today I have plans. You go ahead ok. Talk to you tomorrow!" and he hung up before Pha could say anything else.

"P Kit, you should have just gone out. I will be fine. Don't you trust me?"

"I do. In a heartbeat. But I just want to spend some time with you. Cant I?"

My face reddened hearing that and I just kept quiet. Kit set up my favourite anime and brought out vanilla and strawberry ice cream. We settled ourselves on the couch and watched a few hours of anime joyfully. I was so into the anime and was thoroughly enjoying myself. At one point, I found myself just leaning on Kit for a bit. He put his hands around me and brought me in closer. He just rested his head on mine gently and we remained like that for a bit. I ended up sleeping towards the tail end of the show.

I woke up in the morning and found myself on the bed, in Kit's arms. I just looked up at Kit who was sleeping peacefully. I snuggled in abit more and just held onto him for abit, resting my head on his chest. I felt him stir and hold onto me tighter.

"Sleep a while more ok? Its still early." And he kissed the top of my head gently. My eyes widened when I felt that. I don't think he realized what he had done in his sleepy stupor. But I realize it didn't turn me off. Rather, I felt comforted and secure in Kit's hold. He was such a nice guy and really deserved a lot more. I was glad that he was being such a good friend to me.

(Author's POV: Really Yo, a friend?! He's a friend?!?)

I just closed my eyes with that thought and ended up sleeping. I woke up hours later to the smell of my favourite sushi. I sat up straighter, watching Kit hover around, getting things done. He didn't realize I had been awake. He was busy setting up food and humming away to himself. I just got up, trudged over to him and just held onto him. I hugged him from behind and just held onto him like a baby koala. Kit smiled and just turned around, looking at me.

"Had a good sleep?"

I nodded in agreement. He just pushed my hair back and looked at me a while more. Suddenly, Kit just leaned forward and kissed me on my forehead. I looked at him in shock. He looked at me with abit of trepidation and unsurety. I just leaned up and kissed him on his lips lightly, assuring him that all is ok.

We pulled away, both suddenly aware of what we had done and wondering if it really had sat well with the other. I was about to talk to him about it when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kit looked at me for a second before moving off to open the door. Ming, Pha, Beam and Forth bounded in cheerfully, bearing food and drinks. I smiled, cheering up at their presence but throwing a look at P Kit who suddenly didn't look at me. However, I noticed he was all flushed and I smiled to myself, knowing he was as affected as I had been.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now