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I went to buy P Kit's favourite meal whilst he went to shower. I came back only to find him about to put on his shoes.

"Going out P Kit? I got us dinner?"

"You! Where did you go!?!? Oh goodness. You didn't say anything and I panicked. I was about to go out and look for you."

"Sorry P. I wanted to surprise you for dinner so went out to get your favorite meal. It's a quick journey so didn't tell you."

"Yo! Don't do that next time. You really really worried me. Come here."

And before I could say anything, P Kit pulled me towards him and engulfed me in a hug. I just held onto him as he held me too.

"I thought something had happened. I know you be fine.. I just.. I dunno.. sheesh.."

I just gently pulled away from P Kit and apologised for making him worried. He just smiled wanely at me. We slowly broke away to go have dinner and then sat down for our favourite movie screening again. I crawled into his arms and he held me tight as we both watched our favorite romance movies together.

As we were watching, Pha called us to the bar. I caught Kit hemming and hawing again. This time I took the phone from him and told Pha, "maybe next week P Pha. I want to spend some time with Kit tonight. Sorry, na."

Then I just hung up on Pha. Kit watched me with big stunned eyes. I chuckled at him.

"What's with the look P Kit?!"

"You just called me Kit on the phone with Pha. Its the first time I seen you be informal with my name."

My eyes opened big at this. I didn't realize! Shit.

"Sorry...!" Before I could say further, P Kit leaned forward to kiss me. I was taken aback by the sudden gesture that I became quiet! He kissed me softly and pulled away,

"Don't apologise for that. I liked it when you called me Kit. Continue calling me that ok?"

I just nodded my head in agreement silently. I didn't dare say a single word, just in case I said anything stupid. Kit smiled at me and just kissed me on my forehead before turning away to the TV, his face becoming all red. I looked at him for a bit, smiled to myself over his shy-ness and finally turned my attention to the TV too.

I nestled closer to him, holding his hand tightly around me, our unspoken feelings echoing alongside the starry silent night.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now