Courthouse Chapter

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The judge banged the gravel and court commenced.

"Mr Joss Wayar, you have been charged under Penal Code 1871 for sexual abuse towards another individual and charges under the Harrassement Act for harassing Mr Wayo Panitchayasawad for a period of 3 months. Do you plead guilty to the charges?"

"No, Your Honour. I don't. He is my boyfriend. And I do not understand what he means by sexual abuse. Or harrassement."

The judge kept quiet for a bit then pushed her glasses up her nose and turned towards a TV.

"Mr Wayo, the accused does not plead guilty. However, I have seen the medical reports. I can sentence him based on the reports too but I still would need the testimony. Could you kindly share what happened please?"

Nothing was heard for a awhile until suddenly Wayo cleared his throat.

"I got to know Joss a couple of mo"nths ago. He was a very sweet and loving guy. But it all changed when he started working. That's when I started to see his true colours. Joss dated me mainly for my money. But it didn't hit me then. When he started working, he started being late for dates, eventually resorting to cancelling or even forgetting them. Over time it became as clear as day when he would just not turn up and not be sorry for it too. I decided to break up with him and that's when it became worse. Though he didn't say anything then, I constantly felt someone was following me. I would reach my dorm only to find things missing or money missing from my drawers. When I confronted Joss as he was the only one who used to have a spare key, he tried to force himself on me in anger when he was drunk. He was successful and it became a habit. There was a weekend when he did that daily for that 3 days and constantly; a number of times a day before he finally left me. That was also the day my friend P Kit found me."

The boys who were in the Dungeon watching gasped! Kit was also stunned and clenched his fists angrily. Ming nearly stood up to storm out of the room to beat Joss but was held back. Yo just started sobbing badly upon finishing his testimony.

The judge turned to look at Joss.

"I don't have to ask any further. The medical reports also collaborate his story. What you did to a 20 year old, you need to be ashamed of yourself. Same sex relationships aren't frowned upon but if you treat people like this, it becomes the very reason for people to shy away from them. You will be sentenced Mr Joss Wayar and you will receive one that is deemed fit. For now there will be a recess and I will announce my decision later."

She banged the gravel and the session went into a recess. Kit stood up and went into the same room as Yo where he found him sobbing away. Kit went up to Yo slowly and put his hands on Yo. Yo looked up at Kit and his tears fell down even harder.

"Let me comfort you please. Please." Kit uttered softly. Yo looked at him for very long before finally holding onto Kit's hands. He broke down and Kit just held him tightly. He sat down next to Yo and Yo just hung onto him. Kit stayed there all the way with Yo as the remaining session commenced and the judge sentenced Joss to 5 years imprisonment, banned him from approaching Yo within 3 feet for life and also made him pay all of the legal fees for both parties.

As the boys heard the sentence, they all cheered. It may not be fulfilling but it was heartening to know that Joss got what he deserved. Kit brought Yo out and Ming met them outside. Yo moved towards Ming instinctively and Kit just let him go, feeling sad that Yo still couldn't bring himself to trust another but Kit couldn't hold it against him too.

Ming held onto Yo and they were about to walk off when Yo stopped. He turned to Kit, " P Kit follow us too?"

Kit smiled at Yo, nodded and both boys sent Yo back home. The rest of the boys came to Yo's dorm. Yo mentioned he was coming back for good but had requested for another dorm. He was just waiting for another room. The boys decided to leave him alone so he could rest. They all took their leave, leaving Yo and Kit behind.

Kit took his leave too but before leaving, he turned to look at Yo.

"You can stay with me till your dorm is ready. If you are ok with that."

Yo just looked at Kit and thanked him for the offer, not mentioning if he would take it. Kit just nodded and left, his head full of thoughts over the other boy.

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