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Just then Yo woke up. I stood up and ran over to him, wanting to hug him tight but I stopped myself as I was worried about hurting him. Plus, he did look so vulnerable. I just wanted to make sure he didn't see Joss and when I turned, I realized the boys had stood in a way that they had blocked his presence. I smiled at them and they just nodded at me. I looked over at Yo, "how are you feeling now?". Yo just looked up at me, remaining silent. I probed but he kept quiet.

Ming came up and I saw Yo flick his eyes towards him. Ming came forth and asked the same question and he got a reply from Yo who softly uttered that he's ok. I felt abit sad when I realized Yo wasn't comfortable talking to me. Not sure what sparked it but I decided to be the bigger man. I kept quiet and let him be. As long as he was fine, as long as he was doing ok. Plus he was closer to Ming. I watched as both boys chatted.

Just then there was a knock on the door and the cops poked their heads in. The nurse finally told us to get lost, bring that specimen (Joss) out and leave so her patient can rest. I saw Yo's eyes open wide as we brought Joss out. Ming stayed behind though with him whilst we sorted it out with the cops. They weren't very pleased that I had laid my hands on Joss and he was being a bitch about it. Plus, since I was 19, I was an adult. They arrested me too. Pha and Beam panicked but promised to bail me out. I only requested that my family doesn't know or I was dead. They nodded grimly. 

We were brought to the station. It was fast becoming a mess but luckily Beam had managed to pull some strings through his mother along with Forth who had sought the help of his father. A pair of lawyers came in and they sorted it out; I was out in 2 days whilst a formal complaint was brought against Joss on his mistreatment towards Yo. Yo initially resisted putting any formal complaint but Ming convinced him somehow. A closed door trial had been set to charge Joss, we were going to see it via an online portal since Yo wasn't comfortable appearing in court but I think finally Joss's atrocity of actions were going to come to light.

Only problem is, would we be able to take it and would Yo be ok reliving it all again? Only time can tell. The hearing was set for 3 months from now so Yo had that time to recuperate. When he was discharged, he took a leave of absence from school and went back to his parents. I missed him dearly. We had been really good friends before this whole thing spiralled out but now suddenly Yo was shutting himself out from everyone. He only allowed Ming into his space.

I texted and called him daily but all went unanswered. I did send him food packages or little surprise gifts weekly but no sound. It was saddening but I decided to just hold it in. I only got updates from Ming on how he was doing. School was also taxing so that kept me on my toes. Between school and trying to reach out to Yo unsuccessfully, 3 months passed by incredibly fast.

Soon it was time for the hearing. The boys decided to support Yo and logged in from the laptop in the Dungeon. I accompanied Ming and Yo to the courthouse where he did his testimonial from a private room. Ming and I were in another room so that Yo can freely express himself. But we could watch everything. Seeing Yo for the first time in 3 months did a tiny cartwheel in my tummy. He looked not too bad, fresh faced though the weight loss and eye bags were evident. He was dressed in a formal shirt, sleeves rolled up and a pair of nice jeans with shoes. He left his hair as it was and put on a pair of glasses. However, I could see numerous healing cuts on his wrists and my heart lurched again.

Soon Joss walked into the courthouse. The judge banged the gravel and soon it was time. Show time as they would say.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now