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My face had changed when I realized that Joss had not met Yo for dinner. Then whom were the flowers for, when I saw him earlier? He told me he was on his way to surprise Yo after being late.

I didn't tell Yo anything as i wasn't too sure on how he would take it plus how do I go about telling him? I sighed. Then it hit me, that Yo may not have eaten yet. He's the type that would wait especially if he has dinner plans with someone. I quickly bought some food from the late night noodles stall and dropped it off.

I saw Yo at school the next day. He seemed a little tired. Apparently he had waited for Joss to call back but never did. But he said Joss had called today morning and apologised for being held up at work. It took all of me not to react to that adversely as I knew Joss was clearly fucking lying but I needed more evidence before I said anything to Yo.

The rest of my week flew by before I knew it. I didn't get a chance to meet Yo all week too so decided to pop by on Friday night before going to the bar. I knocked on his door and there was no sound. I tried again but nada. Maybe he was out. I shrugged my shoulders and left.

I didn't see Yo after that for a bit. He would text but physically never got to see him. He said he was just darn busy. I didn't say anything. One day, I was heading home from school when I saw Posh. I went up to him and enquired on Yo. He said he hadn't seen Yo in a week too. Yo mentioned he was sick and that got me thinking. What was going on?!

I decided to go to Yo's dorm again. This time, I didn't take no for an answer. I kept knocking. No response. I called him and I heard his phone loud and clear from inside. I yelled that if he didnt open the door in the next 10 seconds, I was breaking it down.

About 10 seconds later, just as I was about to knock it down, Yo opened the door. But when I saw him, I gasped. He had bruises all over his arms and his face looked gaunt and tired. He also had some deep set hickeys around his neck area and seemed all pale. I stepped in and just as I did, Yo passed out! I quickly grabbed him. I was stunned.

What the heck was going on?!?!

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now