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I woke up in a hospital room, momentarily confused by where I was. But then I saw Kit and the boys and I recalled how I had passed out just as I opened the door for Kit.

Shit, now I had a group of worried angry people I had to explain myself to. The fatigue I had can explain away to being ill, but the bruises? I only hope I had woken up before the doctor has spoken to them. When they saw I was awake, they all fussed around me. Posh and Wai's faces were both ashy and so stricken. Ming too was pale and I could see the fright in his eyes. Beam, Pha and Forth were a mixture of anger and fear. But Kit, his facial expression was just odd. He looked just really emotion-less. I couldn't place my finger on it.

Oddly, the boys didn't pester me for details. They asked me to rest well, fussed over me in terms of comfort and said they would go bring my things and come back. I heaved a sigh of relief inwardly, possibly the doctor hasn't given an update yet. When they left, it would be my time to get hold of the doctor and ask him to avoid sharing some details. My heart privately lurched when I thought what I was doing but I told myself it's for everyone's better. They didn't need to know what I have gone through.

I was so wrapped in my thoughts that I didn't realize everyone but Kit had left. When I finally snapped back to reality, I realized Kit was still around. Shit, why hasn't he gone yet?

"P Kit, aren't you going with the rest? You should go and rest and come back later. I will be fine."

"Really? You be fine? All OK? Like how you have been for the past 1 week or so?"

"P Kit.."

"You were out for over 10 hours. I'm sure you don't realize it because we didn't open the curtains. But it's night now and I found you at 9am in the morning."

I gasped silently. What the heck. I looked up at Kit who was simmering.

"The doctor told us you has been beaten up so badly that you definitely could have passed out from the pain. He also said you haven been eating properly for some time now. And most importantly he said there were traces of someone trying to force themselves on you. When were you ever going to tell us anything? Or atleast me?! Did you really think I would be unable to protect you?!"

I kept quiet. I had no response to that. It wasn't his battle to fight. I was sick and tired of people always fighting my battles for me. Even if I had to go through shit, I should go through it alone. Not have someone pick up the slack for me.

"Fighting your battles is one thing. But when you are being tortured like this. Its ok to ask for help because that's what friends are for. That's what family is for. That's what a boyfriend should be for. Except in your case, he was the one torturing you right?! How long has it been?!"

I looked at P Kit, my eyes glimmering. I was in a lot of pain and haven been able to talk about it for a while now. I didn't know how to express it. Kit saw my pain in my eyes and dived in to hold me. He held me gently and yet firmly, making sure I knew he was there for me. I cried in his arms for a while, expressing all of my pain and burdens.

Just then, the boys walked in. I tried to pull away from P Kit but he held me tight. Forth whispered something in Kit's ears who just nodded. Ming walked over to me and took me in his arms for a bit. Kit let go to let Ming hold onto me. Ming murmured sweet nothings in my ear and told me he is going to be there for me, no questions asked and no rebuttals from me. He caressed my hair, softly apologizing for not having been more perceptive of the situation and distress. I just waved away his apologies, it really wasn't his fault. I told no one too.

The doctor came in and told me that I had to stay a few more days. Alternatively I could do it at home but not alone. I really didn't want to go home as I know my parents would molly coddle me to death. Ming and Kit volunteered to bring me home. Then Ming looked at Kit and smiled, "You bring him home then, P. I will come visit every day, is that ok?" Kit nodded and they made the arrangements. I was just confused over why Kit wanted to bring me home though I was thankful for it.

Arrangements were made and I was discharged 2 days later. My parents of course, wanted to bring me home but Forth and the boys managed to convince them. No talk of Joss was brought up but I felt it was something that was just waiting to happen. Kit brought me back to his dorm and he had adjusted things a little bit to reflect some of my favourite things too, like a One Piece corner and tubs of my favourite vanilla and strawberry ice cream.

He got me to shower and change and refused to let me lock the toilet door. He left it closed but was outside waiting for me. Kit also made sure I ate lunch, soup to start with and left plenty of snacks within reach in case I wanted any. I needed a nap badly and so I decided to take it but I kept waking up, multiple times in distress. Seeing me wake up so many times, tore Kit apart who came over and took me in his arms, soothing me. He caressed my head and smoothed out my furrowed eyebrows, just gently soothing me till I fell asleep, in his arms. And boy, did I sleep. For a good 7 hours. Uninterrupted, distress free for the first time in weeks.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now