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I watched as Yo kept whimpering in his sleep. Unable to take it anymore, I went to cuddle him, holding him softly as I caressed his hair and smoothed his eyebrows from furrowing. He eventually settled down and slept uninterrupted.

I just watched him sleep and slowly I dozed off too. When I woke up, I found him in my arms still but awake and looking at the ceiling.

"Hmm P Kit?"
"You ok?"

"Look at me then when you say it. I said I am going to be here. Please do not be afraid to lay your trouble on me..."

Yo turned to look at me, his eyes glimmering and full of tears. I just held him in my arms, unable to look at his teary eyes any longer. About 20 minutes later, I realized he had fallen asleep again. I slowly got out, to shower, change and prep some food for him. Ming came by and left some food for him. He slept through it all. Ming gently kissed him on his head and then left. I knew what a strong friendship they had and how much it must be tearing Ming apart inside to know his friend went through so much undetected. I clenched my hands in anger whenever I thought of Joss.

Fucking man.

I turned when I heard some noises. Yo had gotten out of bed and trudged towards the bathroom. I didn't want to be seen as being a micro manager so I let him be, having faith he will shower and come out. True enough, he did, albeit 20 minutes later. But he wore a short sleeved white t shirt and shorts and I observed discreetly and didn't see any form of cuts whatsoever on Yo. Ming told me, that previously Yo used to have that tendency so it got me worried. Yo came over to me and just leaned on me; I looked at him.

"What's for lunch P Kit?"

"Ming got u, your favourite sushi and I have gyu don for you. What do you want to have?"

"I go with the sushi P Kit" Yo smiled. I responded by handing him the sushi and he went to sit and have it. Yo was behaving like how I hoped he will but it was still worrying. It seemed a little too forced for my liking but I decided I would just observe. I had to go run errands so I asked Yo if he wanted to follow but he said he would rather watch some anime so I told him I will be back. I did ask Park and Lam if they can come by to watch him in the interim and they made their way over.

"I be back soon but Park will be here in 10 minutes k? Just open the door for him."

Yo nodded and went back to his show. I went off to pick up Yo's clothes and also some toiletries, his favourite comics and more snacks. In the midst of all these, I got a call from Park who asked me to come down to the infirmary pronto.

"What happened?!"

"Yo slashed his wrists. We found him in a puddle of blood, on the couch. He must have done it right after you left."

"But I didn't leave any razors.....wait the penknife.."

"Yea. Come quick."

I ran as fast as I could, my heart was thumping and I was praying to the gods that he does not die or something. If anything happened to him, I don't think I can live it down. I ran into the infirmary, Yo lying down, pale and washed out, his wrist bandaged. Park was talking to the doctor whilst Lam sat with him. The other boys rushed in. Ming was pissed and almost punched me but Lam stopped him.

"Stop it, he just went to get Yo's things. He called us over. We were barely 5 minutes away."

"If he is going to offer, then he better keep his eyes on him 24/7. If he cant, then tell me. I do it."

"Ming, stop it. I know you care about Yo but so does Kit. And nobody here is wrong. Not even Yo. He just responded in a way he deemed fit." Pha told Ming off in a firm voice whilst caressing his back. I sat down, stricken. Guilt was washing over me, wondering if I had failed in my duty to look after Yo. As I sat there waiting for Yo to wake up, my tears just fell down uncontrollably. 

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now