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My fingers lightly brushed over my lips in deep thought as we all chatted animatedly over lunch. I caught Yo sitting next to Ming and whispering away busily, the pair of thieves they were. Beam knocked on my head and I grinned at him sheepishly. He narrowed his eyes at me and I just shook my head. He just flicked his eyes between Yo and me and raised his eyebrows. I opened my eyes wide and shook my head wildly. Just then, we both realized a silence had dawned upon the table and everyone was watching us. We both smiled sheepishly and went back to our food. Yo cocked his head thoughtfully at me but didn't say anything.

Once lunch was over, the boys left but Ming wanted to bring Yo out. Yo hemmed and hawed over it but he eventually agreed. So, he went to get ready whilst I was cleaning the kitchen.

"P, I wanted to say sorry..." I turned to see Ming hovering at the entrance of the kitchen.


"I shouldn't have gotten angry with you that time in the hospital over Yo. I was just.."

"Its ok Ming. I knew where you were coming from.. I am sorry if I didn't do a good job of protecting or looking after Yo."

"No, you did well. Sometimes, its inevitable. And plus Yo trusts you a lot. He was just very affected then but he seems happier now. I hope it stays that way."

I smiled at Ming. Just then, Yo came out, all ready. The boys discussed some plans and turned to leave. I bade them goodbye and went back to the dishes. Just then Yo came back, he leaned over to kiss me on my cheek muttering "I will be back soon P Kit. Wait for me, na?"

My face just blushed madly at that. I nodded quietly and he left. I did my work, cleaned my room and all other pending work whilst waiting for him. I was reading a book and falling asleep when he finally came in around 11pm. I sat up straighter and pretended like I was immersed in my book. Yo came in with a big smile and a bag full of anime. His excitement and happiness was evident as he showed me all that he had gotten. Yo went to change and come back as I continued looking at the things that he had bought.

He sat next to me and was merrily sharing. When he was done, he went to put it away whilst I switched on the television. He then leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder. I just let him be. We were busy watching tv when Ming called. Yo didn't realize it was a video call and answered the phone. Ming yelped when he saw how close we were sitting. Yo squeaked too and immediately sat up straighter. I stood up and went off to the balcony whilst Yo changed it to a voice call and started nagging at Ming. I face palmed myself. I stood at the balcony admiring the night scene whilst Yo finished up his phone call.

"P Kit..."

"Hey, done with Ming? What did he want?"

"He just wanted to check in on me. Make sure everything was ok.."

"Oh, right, yes.. So, what are your plans for tomorrow? No school since it's the weekend."

"I am going to go see my parents abit. Would you like to come? They been meaning to see you too.."

"Me, why me?" I uttered in a high pitched voice.

"Don't be so frightened P! You been looking after me and they know too. So they just wanted to know you better. Come, ok?"

I looked at Yo for a long time before finally agreeing. He smiled and then I thought, ah damn, that was so worth it.

"P, can we talk about earlier?"

"What about earlier, Yo?"

"Hm, before the boys came in..."

My face instantly reddened when he brought that up. I looked at him, unsure on how to continue.


"Do you regret it P?"

"No Yo, I don't. It's just that you just ended this whole mess with Joss. And I am not looking to replace him or anything.. I just.. I just really care about you.."

"But you don't know exactly where we are going with this, right?"

I nodded my head gingerly wondering if I was offending or making him feel sad about it.

He smiled at me. "I am glad you are honest P. To be honest, its all too soon but whatever I did earlier came spontaneously and it did so for you too, I can tell. Let's just see where it goes ok? Till then, please be my friend and a P to me."

I smiled and nodded my head at him. He just came forward for a hug and I instantly hugged him back, feeling him relax in my hold. 

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now