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I went to meet Milk after class on Friday afternoon. She was going for her abortion and I didn't want her to go for it alone.

I reached out to her and offered to accompany her. She was very surprised by it but very grateful too. I followed her and she went through the procedure. As she was resting, we just chatted.

"Does P Kit know you are here?"
"He doesn't so please don't tell him."
"He's a nice guy. It's me who didn't know to appreciate and wanted adventure. Swayed easily by another man."
"It's ok P Milk. No point talking about it now... "

We drifted into silence after that. After she had rested, given it was a day surgery, she was asked to rest more at home. I accompanied her back to the dorm, holding her gently as she needed support and that's when shit hit the fan as we bumped into P Kit who was going to the courts to shoot some hoops. He saw me, her ashy face, put two together and knew what was up.

His face became so angry; I didn't even think it was possible. But he didn't say a word and walked off. I looked at Milk who looked stricken but I assured her it be all OK and brought her back first. I made her rest, bought her food and left to go meet the guys at the bar. Only there, did I realize how angry P Kit was with me.

He ignored me all the way, didn't bother talking to me. Basically I was invisible to him. He spoke to everyone else but me. Initially it wasn't obvious but over time, everyone realized it. Just then some girls beckoned him to dance and he actually followed them.

Thats when P Pha and the rest turned to me. I told them what had happened. They were stunned. They knew Kit was angry but to be fair to me, he didn't say I couldn't help her. And I felt it was only right. But I know he felt like I didn't take his side which isn't true. But he wouldn't know that as he never gave me a chance to talk.

I watched him sadly as he danced and drank. He came back super drunk, so unlike him around 1am. We all decided to go off. I offered to send him back home but he refused point blank until Forth said he would and dragged him away with Beam.

The next few days, it was the same. Kit avoided me totally and whenever we met in a group setting, either he turned up and ignored me or didn't at all. I decided to move away from the group as I didn't want to make it awkward for everyone else. I started finding excuses to be busy, threw myself into other projects and soon I stopped hanging out with them altogether. Ming would come to my room occasionally to watch anime but other than that, nope. I did hang out quite a bit with Posh and Wai but mostly I kept to myself.

This was my new routine.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now