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It was a long ass busy week but I survived! And shit, about to waste it on camping. I really need a new best friend aka NOT MING.

I met P Kit at the entrance of my dorm as he was driving us there. His girlfriend wasn't joining us so we were rooming together. I slipped into the car and greeted him cheerfully. P Kit responded but I did feel something was off. His smile did not quite reach his eyes. Kit gave me a cup of pink milk and made sure the aircon was to my liking. Then he just switched on the music and started driving, quiet all the way. I let it for about 10 minutes and finally gathered the courage to ask, "is everything ok P Kit? You seem so quiet..."

"I'm OK Yo. Just tired. Don worry."

His phone rang then. It is usually placed in the phone holder when he is driving so he can answer handsfree too which meant any passenger can see too. It reflected as Milk but he didn't answer. In fact it happened consecutively for 3 more times and he ignored all 4 calls. I didn't say anything but I just observed that his hands clenched and his face turned red slightly when her name came on.

We soon reached the camping side. Beam went straight to Kit and pulled him away. Pha joined him too and all 3 were huddled over an intense conversation but Kit got fed up after a while and stomped away to his car. We all looked alarmed. Ming looked at me and I shrugged but Forth glared at me and I got moving. I ran to P Kit and caught up with him just as he got to his car.

"P Kit, do you need help with the bags? Let me help."

"Ah no Yo. I'm not feeling too good. I'm going back first. You have fun with the boys ok?"

"Er P Kit, I don mind being alone but it's just odd with all the couples. I'm literally the fifth wheeler. Stay for me naa..."

P Kit looked at me for the longest period before he nodded. But I could sense he had alot of unhappiness bottled up. But he still joined us gamely. The boys all breathed a sense of relief when they saw him join us. But I knew it didn't mean much. He was still unhappy and maybe I just had to make sure over the weekend at least, he was treated right.

The rest of the day, we went trekking. I typically dont like it but this time, I kept quiet, sucked it up and gamely led P Kit on the trails. I followed the map closely and I also knew he enjoyed seeing scenic views so I made sure to include that on our trek. I remembered to bring along his favorite snacks and flavoured water. I was quick to ensure that his basic needs were met before he even realized the need for it. All these bustling left me exhausted but I held on.

We ended the trek with a nice little campfire and the boys forced me to sing whilst Ming played his guitar. It was a nice night and everyone retreated to bed in happy spirits. I laid in my sleeping bag, trying to find a comfortable spot when I heard some soft sobs. It was coming from P Kit.

Whatever was on his mind? I knew he's the sort that wouldn't say unless he felt comfortable and I didn't want to push it. I turned to see his back facing me. I thought about it for a while before I inched closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him stiffen under my touch.

"It's ok. I don know what's bothering you but know that you don have to shoulder it all alone. Even if you don wish to share, it's ok. Just know your friends are here for you and at least for tonight, I'm here ok."

I felt Kit loosen up and he just took my hand and held it tightly. I scooted in closer, holding him tight and just rested my head on his back gently. A couple of minutes later, Kit turned and hugged me. His forehead rested on top of mine, and I felt his tears. I snuggled in closer to him, hoping to ease his mental agony with some physical comfort.

We remained as such for the rest of the night, like a pair of interwined butterflies.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now