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I dropped Yo off and as I drove off, I saw Milk at the carpark opposite with another guy. Hmm, so I guess, that's the "family" call huh?

For some weeks now, I felt like Milk has been hiding something from me but I could never figure out what it was. I just thought I was being overly suspicious and given that she is always so nice to me, I didn't want to be so mistrusting. But seeing this in person for myself really hit the spot in a bad way.

I went home, swarmed by what I had seen. I didn't know if I should call her out on it or wait for her to tell me?
Wait, what was I thinking?! She is cheating on me for the love of god. Maybe I should ask her about it? Or should I not? Maybe they are just family friends? Cousins? Thoughts like this swirled me until I had a phone call. It was Milk.

"Hey babe, what's up?"
"What are you doing Kit? Sorry about earlier. Wanted to ask if we can do breakfast tomorrow. My treat"
"Definitely. Don't be silly. Why do you have to apologise? It's ok. How did the family thing go anyway?"
"Erm yea, it was ok. I see you tomorrow ok darling at 8am?"

I agreed and hung up on her. Usually I wouldn't have read it as hesitation but a of her "erms" and "ahh" made sense especially when I realized she only used it when I asked about her family. I just thought she was uncomfortable talking about them but it looks like she probably was lying about going back to see them all this while.

I groaned in frustration and laid down on the bed. I really should discuss this with Milk tomorrow before it tears me apart.

The next morning, I made my way towards the cafe where we had agreed to meet. I bumped into Yo outside who was waiting for Ming.

"Hello P Kit, what are you doing here?"
"I came to meet Milk for breakfast Yo. How about you?"

I swear I thought I saw a flicker of discomfort on his face when I mentioned Milk but it was so fast, I could have been wrong.

"I'm waiting for Ming. Then we going to go and see my dad abit before our camping trip tomorrow."

I nodded my head, wished him luck and said I would see him tomorrow. I went into the cafe and waited for Milk. And waited. And waited. I waited for about 4 hours and 30 calls and 20 messages but nothing from her. Since I had classes at 1pm, I left and had to go off but a part of me kept wondering if she was OK and doing all right.

I was in the middle of my 4th class when I received a text from Milk.

"We need to talk. Can you come to the garden? Now. Please."

I frowned, there is no way I can skip class and no way Pha will let me too. I wanted to text her back but i saw my lecturer glancing my way. 20 more minutes and I be done. She had to wait for me. Once class was up, I ran off to see her and she was waiting for me in the garden. Visibly horribly upset. I thought she was upset over me being late but no.

Milk dropped the bombshell of the season on me.

"Im pregnant Kit. I just found out today morning.."
"But... Milk.. we haven't.. "
"It's not yours. I'm sorry. I.. what i am..."
"So, its that guy's baby? The one I saw yesterday in the carpark?"
"You mean Yo told you!?!? Wait. You said you saw.. what do you.."

I just glared at her in frustration and anger. Just how long has she been cheating on me!? I stepped back, pinching my nose bridge exasperated and walked away. I wasn't ready for this conversation with her.

As I walked away, I stopped suddenly and looked at her.

"In case you were wondering, we are done. As in let's break up."

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now