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"How long do you plan to avoid or ignore Yo?" I just looked at Beam coldly and went back to my assignment.

"Stop asking me things I don wish to answer. I already told you, some things, I am not going to budge on it. That's my ex gf, her baby, her problem."

"Precisely. It's your ex gf, but her baby and her problem. I'm not saying you are wrong to not be there for her. You are justified as she did cheat on you. You can choose if you wish to be there for her. But why are you upset with Yo? Because he saw her as a pregnant woman who needed the help? Yo helped her seeing her as just a woman who needed help. That's what you would have done, if let's say that woman was someone else. Because its just being humane. That's what he did. Why are you taking it out on him? Ignoring him, pretending like he didn't exist? Do you know he has stopped hanging out with us and withdrawn completely into himself only?"

I stared at Beam, speechless who went off on a rant. It's the first time I seen him ever take such an interest and speak up for anyone.

I know Yo isn't wrong to help. I would have done the same but I am just pissed that he had to go help Milk. I just collected my things, told Beam I am going off and headed towards my dorm. On my way, I saw Yo coming out of the minimart, with some groceries in his hands. I saw him walk by and he happened to look up then and saw me. I saw him take 1 step towards me, suddenly recalled something and he took a step back and turned and walked away.

I admit my heart dropped a little when he did that. But he probably thought he was doing me a favour by staying away from me. But seeing his tiny self carry those groceries, walking away forlornly tore at me abit. As I walked towards my dorm, Milk came out. She was carrying a luggage. I saw her, surprised to see her.
She was surprised too, stopping in her tracks. She offered me a tentative smile, unsure if I would reciprocate. I looked at her and her flat tummy and momentarily felt bad for her. I know she had cheated on me but she didn't deserve to be alone. Milk saw my eyes flicker towards her tummy.

"Don't feel bad for me. It was my fault. Wasn't happy with the beautiful relationship I had. Wanted more, more validation, more love. Easily swayed by another's words."

I looked at her, she seemed so wise suddenly. I must have voiced it out loud because she chuckled at me.

"I guess I have grown up huh? Thanks. Anyways. I'm heading back to my parents. I decided to continue my studies from home and do it online. Need some time away from this environment."

"Will you be ok?"

"I will be. Thank you for asking. And thank you to your friend Yo too."

I nodded.

"He's a good guy. He was upset with me for hurting you and that was obvious in his rant towards me but he still came for me when I needed that someone and I will forever be grateful for that."

I just looked at Milk unable to speak any further. Milk nodded at me goodbye and left. I watched her go. My heart was feeling light from that encounter but I knew I had to make amends with a particular cute boy in order to truly be happy. I had treated him shabbily enough for sometime now jsut because of my own selfishness.

I went over to his dorm and knocked on the door. "Coming!" I heard his cheerful voice chirp. He opened the door, holding his phone and a chip in his mouth when he looked up and saw me. "O, P Kit?" His chip dropped from his mouth in surprise. I quickly grabbed it before it dropped to the floor.

"Could we talk?" He nodded his head and opened the door wider letting me come in. He closed the door and got me a drink. We sat down at the dining table, across from each other unsure of where to look and how to start.

"I,..what  I mean sorry!" We both yelled at the same time. Yo and I looked at each other, our faces breaking into a soft smile. I rubbed my hair in amusement and he chuckled softly.

"Yo.. I am sorry. I really should have tried to be more understanding. I know you came from a good place about ut. Its just.. that.. I'm sorry."

"No P, it's my fault too. I know you know where I am coming from. I wouldn't apologise for being with Milk. But I am sorry offending your feelings and hurting you along the way. Can we..."

"Be my friend again Yo. I really shouldn't have treated you like that in the first place.."

We both smiled at each other. Yo's infectious smile just lit up his face and the room. I really have missed that smile. Very much indeed.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now