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I met P Kit for breakfast the next morning. I told him he didn't need to, but he insisted on treating me for breakfast.

Well, I'm not going to say no to a free breakfast! I hummed gleefully to myself as I went towards the cafe. I met P Kit who was waiting outside. I smiled at him and we went into the cafe. We had a good time over breakfast and about an hour later, we separated to go for classes .

"Are you joining us tonight at the bar?"

"Yeaps P, I will. I'm gonna meet Posh and Wai first then come over."

Kit nodded his head and we left. It was a long gruelling day of classes. But finally around 7pm, I was done. I went back, changed and went to meet my boys before we made our way to the bar. Once I got there, I saw P Kit and the rest. I smiled and joined them. It was a nice enjoyable evening. At one point, I went to get drinks from the bartender and was chatting with him when this senior from university came by. He smiled, made polite chit chat with the bartender and was chatting me up. He seemed like a nice guy and I was enjoying my time chatting with him. Found out his name was P Joss and a senior at Mechanical Engineering. I smiled and then I went back to my table. A little while later, P Joss came by to the table. He made conversation with P Forth and the Engineering boys. He then looked at me and asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner on Wednesday night. I smiled and said I would be happy to! I exchanged numbers with him and he went off.

"Looks like you got a date huh?"
"Haah, its just dinner P Kit. Nothing really.."
"Really? Looks like P Joss is interested in you. He doesn't really ask anyone out much you know? I only have seen people fawning over him and not him paying the attention."
"Haaha, P Kit.. stop teasing me!"

My face reddened terribly at P Kit's teasing. He laughed and just ruffled my hair and pinched my cheek softly. I pretended to mock wince in pain. We all left around 2am and P Kit sent me home.

I bade him goodbye and took my leave. Over the next few weeks, my life settled into a new routine, school, hanging out with the boys and going out with P Joss. He actually asked me out multiple times and soon we started dating.

P Joss was actually a very nice guy and I really enjoyed being with him. He paid alot of attention to me and took really good care of me.

P Kit and I also became really good friends, given that almost all of our inner circle was in a relationship. I didn't want P Kit to feel left out so I made sure to ensure that I did spend time with P Kit too.

(Months later...)

"Supposed to meet P Joss for dinner but he's late. Its weird; first time he's been ever late."

"I'm sure he be there soon. Maybe something held him up at work?"

"Prolly, since he graduated and started working, he has become very busy. But he still makes time for me, so that: I'm thankful for."

"See, all is well! Haha. Anyways i got to go, but text me pictures later of the food and send Joss my regards."

I replied in the affirmative and hung up. I waited for P Joss at the restaurant. Waited and waited till it was closing time. He also had not answered any of my calls at all. Finally, I left around 10pm when the place closed and made my way home.

Enroute, I bumped into P Kit. "Hey, so how was the date? Where's P Joss? He didn't send you home?"

"Oh he didn't turn up at all. I waited for close to 4 hours and he didn't come. I tried calling too but no avail."

P Kit's face changed when he heard that. I thought he was just feeling sorry for me. I smiled, letting him know all was OK and I be fine. I made my way home before he could probe more.

An hour later, I heard knocks on my door. I saw P Kit standing there with a bag of food.

"I bet you haven't eaten. Have this first k? Please."

I took it from P Kit; thanking him. He nodded and left as it was late. I sat down and had my dinner or supper, keeping my phone within sight awaiting eagerly a message from the one person I had waited for the whole night.

Light at the End of the Tunnel (KITXYO) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now