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Three weeks.

Four days.

Three hours.

That's how long Klaus has been trapped. Elijah had been scarily quiet while the other Original was rather vocal about his displeasure.

Damon had gone after Elena who had gotten into a fight with Stefan. She was just as nervous as I was about this whole idea.

Be an Original's soulmate they said, it'll be fun they said.

"Are you sure you wanna go down there?" Jeremy trailed after me.

"I have to build trust with them Jer. They're gonna be part of my family too." As scary as that was. "This is the first time since the dinner party that they've been left unattended like this. I don't know when I'm gonna have another chance."

We made a pit stop at the deep freeze, grabbing as many blood bags as we could without tipping anyone off to what we'd done.

"Fine." He didn't sound too happy about it.

"Elijah?" I called as Jeremy went to go investigate the other cell.

An arm reached through the dark gap and grabbed hold of Jeremy's throat. There wasn't a daylight ring.

"Klaus! Let him go! We're trying to give you blood!"

"Let. Me. Out." He growled. Like actually growled.

"I cant! Only Bonnie can and she's not here." Jeremy was gasping for air. "If you want it, you have to let him go." I held the blood bag up as a desperate peace offering.

Klaus paused but let Jeremy fall.

He coughed violently, holding his throat. "Are you okay?!" He nodded.

"We're trying to help you." I moved to the other cell. Elijah was just standing in the darkness, peering at me as if he could see into my soul. It gave me the creeps. "Here, it's not much, but at least you won't desiccate any more." I'd heard it was a painful process.

Elijah nodded, taking the bag from me and tearing it open. Veins immediately surged around his eyes and his fangs slid down.


Jeremy was still recovering, and I grabbed his blood bags, offering them to Klaus, but making sure to keep my distance. "Promise not to attack me if I give you blood?"

He lifted his chin. "I only drink from the vein."

"That's not happening. I don't trust you not to drain me and you're definitely not feeding off Jeremy, so blood bag it is or you desiccate. I'm not sure when we can get back in to give you guys blood and no one else that knows you're here will do it."

Klaus held out his hand. "I won't hurt you."

"Good call, Mikaelson." I gave him the bags. He tore into it with his fangs, draining it quickly. Color began to return to his skin and hair. 

"How does Kol fair?" Elijah's face could barely be made out against his cell window.

"He's fine."

"Tell me you have not told him about this." Klaus dropped his shredded blood bags. I sent him a dirty look and held out my hand. "What?" He seems to have calmed down at least.

"You think I'm dumb enough to leave evidence?"

"Right." He handed them over and I took them gingerly. Jeremy whipped out a grocery store bag and held it out. After grabbing Elijah's as well, we wrapped the empty blood bags in the grocery bag and buried it in Jeremy's satchel.

Hopefully that would mask the smell, enough that Damon or Stefan wouldn't notice it if they happened across us before we could actually throw it away.

Dark fingerprints were already beginning to form on Jeremy's throat. I felt bad. He was only down here because I asked him to come.

"And to answer your question, yes I have. He's never going to let the two of you live it down by the way. Kol couldn't stop laughing." I crossed my arms. Elijah didn't look surprised and Klaus was sullen.

Jeremy hid his smile his hand. Horribly might I add.

"Klaus, where is he?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about sweetheart."

"Don't bullshit me." Jeremy backed far away from even Elijah's reach. "Kol knows he's not in the ocean or wherever you said he was. Where's his coffin?"

"Ah. I can't tell you, dear sister. It's one of the few things I have left to ensure Elijah doesn't betray me when I begin the sacrifice."

"But you're keeping my soulmate and I apart. Doesn't that affect you? He's your brother."

Elijah scoffed. "Niklaus has no concept of family. If he did, he wouldn't keep them from me."

Jeremy and I exchanged glances. "A doppelgänger is born every five hundred years or so right?" My brother leaned against a wall. "Why can't you just wait."

Klaus grabbed his bars. "I've been waiting a thousand years. Elena will die."

"We can wait you out. Ironic isn't it, you're the immortal ones, but you could be in here until the Salvatores are satisfied that Elena's lived a long life." Jeremy seemed to unafraid.

But did he know what that meant? Klaus would never tell me where he hid Kol, I would have to go my entire life without him.


"Or you can just agree to not killing Elena and releasing Kol, or whatever needs to be done."

Damn. I was not expecting that. "Yeah Klaus. We hold all the cards."

I felt bad for leaving Elijah, but Klaus has been a pain in my ass since before he even showed up.

Klaus hit the bars, making me jump. The door held, thank god. "I am only trapped in here so long as my witches are on their way. When they arrive, I'll leave this decrepit cell and rain hell on all those who crossed me."

Perhaps it would be better to let him out now.

"I think it's time to get out of here." Jeremy grabbed my arm. "We've been down here long enough."

"Drew. Do not leave us." Klaus warned.

"Not until you swear you'll let Kol out." Now I had something he wanted. Just as Elijah had. "And that you won't kill Elena."

"As a counter, you let me out and I won't kill you or Jeremy."

"Niklaus, the likelihood that the next doppelgänger will have the same complications as this one is unlikely." Elijah called from his window.

"No. This will be the third time one like her has crossed me and gotten away with it. She will die. Even if I have to wait you all out."

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