The Truth

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It took three days to even find Klaus.

Damon looked like he was on the brink of death. Elijah disappeared and I had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't his fault.

Jenna and John were dead.

My sweet aunt hadn't even known it was coming and John traded his life for Elena's. People had been drifting between here with me and Damon, and the witch house.

All the sacrifice had done was renew the effort to kill the Originals. Jeremy and Bonnie were at the witch house everyday, trying to find a way to end my future in-laws.

Elena and I had been trading off taking care of Damon, but even on my breaks, I didn't sleep. I couldn't, not when I knew I'd see Kol. I was still kind of mad at him.

"Nursing your friend back to health I see."

Shit. Elena was passed out upstairs. If Klaus saw that she was still alive... "What are you doing here? I assume Elijah's been daggered." Why did the Mikaelson siblings enjoy sneaking up on me?

"You would be correct." He paused. "Betraying my brother was in my best interest. How can I get what I want with him constantly protecting you and your interests?"

"And what is it you could possibly want? You know, past killing my aunt and my sister."

"More hybrids like me. Thing is, I can't leave you in Mystic Falls on your own and I won't be going anywhere that's safe for you."

"I can protect myself." I turned to face him.

"From what Elijah told me, you don't have the best track record, little mouse."

"Half the time I was kidnapped, it was you who did it."

Klaus moved forward, his hands clasped behind his back. "Ah, but the fact that I was able to do it in the first place is a dangerous gamble. I will not allow you to play with your life."

"Why do you even care? I'd think you wouldn't mind if I just disappeared. Unless I'm insurance for Kol."

Because of course he'd only look to control his siblings.

Elijah was right. He was always right.

Klaus stood at the head of the couch. "I don't trust your friends to keep you safe. Like it or not Drew, you are my sister now. The fates ensured it when they branded your wrist with the same mark as my brother. I protect my family and the fact that you're human presents an even bigger threat." He paused. "Now, Elijah told me his theory, so either you come with me and Damon might just have a chance to live, or you stay behind and he dies. Your choice."


He smirked. "Excellent. I'll give you the day to say your goodbyes." Klaus bit his wrist and we worked together to get the semi-conscious Damon to drink the blood. "Try and run little mouse, and I'll kill that twin of yours."

And then he was gone.


I was telling the truth when I told him I'd never forgive him for what he'd done to Jenna and what he tried to do to Elena. He was responsible for my aunt and uncle's deaths.


"What do you mean you're leaving with Klaus?" Elena paced in front of my bed as I packed. "He threatened you, didn't he? But what would he gain from taking you?"

"I don't know, leverage maybe?" I had plenty of dried vervain, stored beneath piles of clothes. Just because he was going to be my brother in-law didn't mean that I was dumb enough to give him the chance to compel me. My necklace only did so much.

"But he completed the sacrifice right? He could leave if he hates this town so much."

"Klaus gave me today to say goodbye and get ready. I'm not going to spend it trying to figure a way out." Not when he threatened Jeremy.

"So you're just going to give up?! I'm not letting my sister get kidnapped by some psychopath"

"Give her some space Elena." Jeremy leaned against the doorway. Ric stood behind him, I hadn't seen him since Klaus was still inhabiting him and the stress of it showed. He hadn't shaved in a few days and there were bags under his eyes. Not far from how I was, I imagine. "Drew, you're sure that there's absolutely no way to stop this." He gave me a meaningful look.

"I'm sure Jer. Klaus made his terms very clear." And I wasn't going to risk it, not if it endangered him. "If I had a way around doing this, I would go for it, but I'm out of options."

"Can you guys give us a second?" Jeremy moved forward, gesturing for our eldest sister to leave.

Elena glanced between us, but nodded, thankfully leaving without a fight. As soon as they went downstairs, Jeremy shut the door.

"What about Kol? Can't he stop Klaus."

I sighed, tugging the zipper across one bag and started on another. "Even if I could find him in time, we kind of had a fight the night of the sacrifice and I haven't talked to him since."

He took a seat on my bed. "What about?"

"I feel bad because I know I overreacted, he just wants me to be safe. At the same time, I'm so sick of everyone doing what they think is best for me. I don't know, I just snapped and took out all my frustrations on him."

Jeremy caught my wrist. "He's your soulmate right?" I nodded. "So of course he wants you to be safe. He's probably just as frustrated that he can't be here to protect you himself."

My door opened, Stefan and Elena stood in the hallway. I closed my eyes. They'd heard. Of course, because I couldn't catch a break.

"When were you going to tell us?" Elena crossed her arms.

"You weren't supposed to find out." Shit shit shit.

"You've obviously told Jeremy." Stefan gestured toward him.

"He's my twin brother. And he doesn't have two vampires that are obsessed with him." I took a breath. "It's not like I didn't want to tell you. Kol asked me not to." They just had to find out tonight.

I needed to smooth things over and fast.

"Who's Kol?" Elena pushed her way in.

"He's one of the originals."


"What? It's not like Klaus is gonna let him out anytime soon, right?" He shrugged.

"You're not helping." I threw one last shirt in my bag and zipped it up. At least that was done.

"Is this why they've been around you so often? Why you're friends with them." Elena threw her hands up. "Klaus killed Jenna!"

"And I'm dealing with it Elena." I snapped. "I can't control who my soulmate is any better than I could stop them from doing anything they've done. You think I wanted them to be my in-laws?! Klaus tried to kill you. He actually would've succeeded if John hadn't sacrificed himself for you."

Stefan set his hands on his hips. "Have you told him? That she's alive."

"Of course not. How could you even think that I'd- you know what? Maybe it's a good thing that Klaus is forcing me to leave with him. It'll give me a break from all of this bullshit and I can actually get closer to seeing my soulmate."

Our doorbell rang.

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