Run, little mouse

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Klaus dragged me through the swamp. He hadn't said a word.

Elijah and I both knew it wasn't an option and he clearly wasn't invited.

Was this it? Was I going to die? "Where are we going?" When he didn't answer, I tried to stop moving, but he was stronger than I was, and his grip on my arm didn't have any give. "Klaus, whatever it is, I'm sorry." Fear wormed it's way under my skin.

It never worked. He was always going to do what he wanted, I don't know why I ever thought I could convince him otherwise.


Didn't Klaus say Hayley was in a swamp?

He was going to give me to her?

If he wanted to torture me, why didn't he do it himself?

I tried fighting, scratching at his hands, anything.


In fact, he seemed more determined by the second.

He stopped, and had it not been for his grip, I would've fallen. "Why is it that you continue to try and run?"

"I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

Klaus' eyes narrowed. "I could have stolen you away or killed you the moment I knew who you were. You live and breathe because I allow it. Kol knows this, that is why he is always trying to convince you to accept your fate. I do not fear his anger like you claim, I've dealt with it for centuries as he's woken from his daggered sleep."

"Then why haven't you killed me yet?" I'd certainly pissed him off enough. "Why pretend like I was right?"

None of it made sense.

"Because I care for Kol. And for some strange reason you've grown on us all, despite your tendencies to run the second it's available to you."

"Maybe I wouldn't if you didn't hurt people I love. I was okay with this at the beginning, but you tied me to a tree and made me watch as you viciously slaughtered my aunt. You set my childhood home ablaze with Jeremy and Elena in it and any material thing I had left of my parents. I will never stop fighting you."

His eyes flickered and for a moment, I thought I saw regret, but it was gone and a hardness I'd never seen before settled in. "That is your choice. Though you've forgotten one thing, little mouse."

I couldn't stop my heart from racing. "What's that?"

"You aren't as indestructible as you think."

He began dragging me again, and we ventured deeper in the swamp, where the air became hot and sticky, and the sound of insects was borderline deafening.

We came up on some sort of settlement. There were an assortment of cabins, trailer homes, and tents with clothes lines stretched between them all.

People crept out of their places, and it wasn't until their eyes began turning yellow that I realized what Klaus had done.

We were surrounded by wolves.

"You picked the wrong bayou vampire." One blonde stepped up. "The full moon is tonight, which means one bite and you're dead."

Another wolf smacked his head. "That's an original, idiot." He turned to Klaus. "Why're you here?"

Klaus shrugged. "Two lessons need to be learned, the second of which, is standing before you. Where is Hayley." When no one answered, he looked out into the crowd, calling her name. "If you do not show your face, I will slaughter your precious pack."

Movement drew his attention to the left and the woman from the woods stepped forward, her chin raised. "What do you want Klaus? I had your baby."

"You neglected to tell me your connection to Drew." The anger radiating off him was both alarming and confusing. Why'd he care so much that I was tortured by this woman.

"Didn't think it was worth mentioning." She crossed her arms, glancing around nervously.

She was skittish.

I wanted to not care that she was probably going to die.

Klaus hummed. "No one touches my family and lives."

"Elijah gave me his word that I wouldn't have to worry about any of you."

"Right, Elijah gave his word. I did no such thing, and unless I'm mistaken, I see no suit-wearing vampire in this pile of flannel you call home."

Fear flickered in her eyes. "So what? You're gonna kill me? In front of my pack? How can you do that and protect your brother's girl?"

"You needn't worry about her." He rushed forward and grabbed her by the throat.

The pack was silent.

And then all hell broke loose.

I tried to run but was instead blocked by the second wolf who'd spoken. The brunette. He held me close to him, claws against my neck. I had to look up in order to escape it, head against his chest. "Hey!" He yelled. "You kill her and I'll kill yours."

Klaus turned and he was far too calm for my liking. "Do it." He dared. "I'm merely extending payback for what she did to Drew. I have a reputation to uphold after all." His brow furrowed. "But then begs the question, what will I do to you once she's dead. That doesn't even touch what will happen to your pack once word reaches her soulmate." Was he stalling?

He didn't know that.

It was just a theory that Kol wouldn't die with me.

He was gambling with our lives.

Before anyone could do anything, Klaus' hand went through Hayley's chest and she cried out. "Save her or yourselves, your choice."

The man's claws dug into my throat.

Klaus ripped her heart out, and dropped it on the ground, her body following not soon after. "Now. Onto the final part." He sped forward, grabbing the wolf's hand. "You all will have the chance of a lifetime."

I heard cracking and the man let me go.

"Drew, you wanted your freedom, you wanted out of my protection. Have it." Klaus spun me around. "Wolves, vicious creatures. It would be a shame if they found out that you are an unclaimed soulmate." Several in the pack looked at me with a new, feral interest. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. "Run, little mouse." He whispered.

And I did.

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