The Transition

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Jeremy and I sat across from each other. Elijah wasn't far away, he was the one I'd chosen to help if things went too far.

Hopefully Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah could play nice out on the porch while I did this.

"I trust you Drew." Jeremy held out his palm, knife in his other hand.

"Deep breaths dear sister."

Jeremy cut a line across his skin.

I could feel the black veins trickling out under my eyes, the fangs poking through my gums. "Are you sure about this?"

"Not really but I know it's the only thing that'll save you, what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't try."

"You're literally only four minutes older than me."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Let's get this over with."

I grabbed his hand. "I hope you washed this."

"Maybe." He grinned.

"You're disgusting." Would it be tempting fate if I just had him put his blood in a cup?

Stupid witches and their stupid tests.

Gently as I could, I sank my fangs into the skin of his palm, almost immediately blood gushed into my mouth and I had the horrible image of a gusher popping open run through my mind.

It was bitter and had a gross irony aftertaste.

I tried to quell the panic in me when I realized I couldn't stop after a mouthful or two. Elijah put his hand on my shoulder. "It's alright, slow down or you will kill him."

How the hell was I supposed to do that? It felt like I'd never drank anything in my entire life and this was my first drink.

A fine haze settled over my mind as I fed. I didn't know if I could stop.

"Drew." Elijah's grip tightened, voice growing firm. "Release him now or you prove the ancestors right." When that didn't work, he switched tactics. "You once told us how you hated the little control we gave you. Show me you can handle it."

Right, it was all about control. I couldn't kill Jeremy, but if I kept feeding, that's what would happen.

I finally managed to pull away. "I do not know how other vampires enjoy that." I wiped my face on my sleeve. "We have to drink that to survive?"

"It's an acquired taste." Elijah set a hand on my shoulder. "You'll come to understand why we crave it."

"But is it done? Am I fully transitioned yet?"

Jeremy checked his phone. "Sun's going down in thirty minutes. Guess we have till then."

There was a crash downstairs and Elijah's grip on my shoulder tightened. "Not just yet."

Weary dread curled in my gut. "What are you guys doing?" When he didn't say anything, I groaned. "Can we not have five minutes where there isn't something going on?"

"Some behaviors need to be rectified."

"Behaviors?" Jeremy crossed his arms.

More crashes.

"Your twin wasn't required, we just needed the both of you out of the way while my siblings make our intentions clear."


"What do you mean Jeremy wasn't required?" I drank his disgusting blood for no reason?!

"Elijah." Kol opened the door. "Best not to tell secrets."

"What are you doing?" I was finally able to shrug the grip off my shoulder. "You can't just terrorize my friends."

"Don't worry about it, Darling. Time to go home."

"No, I'm not going anywhere until I find out what's been happening. Apparently under my nose too."

Jeremy pulled me back. "Okay. Let's all take a breath."

I pushed him away. "No. I'm sick of being so powerless. I hate the way you all make me feel. I've barely even processed that I was about to die an hour ago and that I'm a newly turned vampire with an Original for a soulmate. Can you give me a second to breathe before you go make deals and threaten my friends."


Not even a peep from downstairs.

Great. They were listening too.

Several emotions flashed across Kol's face. "Right, because you've been so easy to protect." His voice was scarily calm.


"No no, far be it from me to keep you safe. I'll give you the space you clearly need." And he was gone.


Damn it all.

"Elijah-" the original had already made strides to the door.

"I think we're all quite aware of your feelings. Kol will be back, hopefully without making the morning news."

As soon as he left, I dropped back in my seat. I really fucked it up this time. I felt like such a idiot. Why'd I have to snap at him?

"Hey." Jeremy poked my knee. "Where were you going?"

"I just- every time things are finally going well, I ruin it or something happens. This is the second time Kol's left because of something I said."

"Maybe he just needs a minute."

"I don't know anymore Jer. I just can't do anything right. I feel like I'm always doing damage control."

He seemed to consider it. "Why do you have to fix everything?"

"Because-" I didn't know the answer to that. "Everything's so complicated and the Mikaelsons make secret deals over my head that they refuse to tell me about."

"They're just trying to protect you, we all are."

I ran a hand over my face. "I'm so fucking sick of being protected. I'm not useless."

"No one thinks you are." He promised. "I know at least for our group, we protect each other, no matter what."

And yet, I'd have to mend this mess. I just wanted peace.

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