Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss

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Damon was in the living room, his back facing me. "Finally here to tell me the truth?" He dropped a few ice cubes in his drink as he turned around.

"Well, I have good news and I have bad news."

His eyes narrowed. "Not what I was expecting, but continue."

Jeremy and I hadn't been down to see the Originals since our conversation last week, but now that I'd had time to think on it, I may have come up with a solution. "Bad news is that Klaus has sworn vengeance on all of us." I could blame that on the persistent threats of violence that were so loud we could hear them through the floorboards.

"That's nothing new."

"Good news is I think there may be a way to save Elena, but it'll require another Original." Why was I talking to Damon about this alone again?

He downed his drink. "There's more?"

"Yes. Klaus hid this one away and I think it's because he can contend with him." He'd probably kill me for saying that.

"Why would this mystery one be able to and not Elijah?" Damon raised an eyebrow.

"Elijah's always been the protector. This one we're looking for couldn't care less if he crosses Klaus." That and Elijah's afraid that if he pushes too far, his family will disappear forever.

"And how do you know all this? Couldn't be all the time you're spending with Elijah could it."

"Can you just trust me?"

Damon set his glass down. "Say we do go find this mysterious Original that can defeat Klaus, where would we look. He could be anywhere in the world."

"That's where I think you're wrong. Klaus keeps his enemies close, so that means that the Original has to be near by."


Kol wasn't that receptive to me or any of my friends finding him. The way I see it, Klaus is already angry.

Damon rushed at me. "Tell me how you know all this."

"You can't make me." I lifted my chin.

"Don't tempt me Little Gilbert."

"Damon? Drew? What's going on?" Elena crossed her arms with Stefan behind her. I thought she was at home, had they been here this whole time?

"She knows something. More than us." Damon stepped away. "She's been making friends with Originals."

"Oh please. The last time I even interacted with them, they literally kidnapped me."

"What?! When did this happen?"

"While you were gone with Stefan." I wrapped my arms around myself. "Or did you not know about the guests in the basement?"

"But you do. They were looking a little refreshed, sure you haven't been to visit?" Damon invaded my space again.

"I swear I'll stab you if you don't back up, Salvatore." And I'd do it with the very stake he gave me too.

"Okay, that's enough." Elena placed herself bodily between us. "Whatever's going on, we need to talk about it, not intimidate and not stabbing."

"I was just trying to help, but I guess I'll stay out of it." I started heading for the door.

"Not until you answer me." Damon was in front of me quicker than I could blink.

Could I make it to Elijah?

Surely Elena wouldn't let Damon hurt me, right?

"Okay you're right, I did visit them. Only because I wanted to help." And maybe get my soulmate.

"And you expect me to believe they just freely gave you the information you needed."

"I had something they wanted, in return, they kept their end of the bargain. Blood for information. It wasn't that difficult. Well, Elijah kept it, Klaus just seethed the whole time."

"Drew! Why?!" Elena threw up her hands. "They're crazy."

"And can likely still hear us, so go ahead if you want to kick the angry hornets nest." I set my hands on my hips. "When Klaus gets out, and he will because he's only inhabiting Alaric's body. He's going to kill us."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Bonnie put a protection spell on those cells. The only way they're getting out of them is if one of us lets them out, which won't happen."

Why'd you have to go and say that. Now they know we lied to them.

"And you're a hundred percent positive that he won't be able to escape by returning to his body? You'd bet that on your life, because that's what you're doing Damon. Your plot to trap them has only enraged the original vampires."

"Drew, the reason we didn't tell you was because we weren't sure we could trust you" Stefan sighed. "You still won't tell us why Elijah was so protective of you."

"Why are you all so obsessed with this?"

"We care about you Drew." Elena took a step forward. "We just want you to be safe and getting mixed up with them isn't."

"It's not like I have a choice!" I closed my eyes. Shit.

"Are you compelled?" Stefan pulled Elena behind him.

That would certainly be easier. "Like I could tell you if I was."

"That's great." Damon scoffed. "I thought you drank and wore vervain."

"I do!" Frigging holes in my lie. "I can't explain it, alright." Believe it.

"Have you been compelled this entire time? Since we met Elijah?" Elena peeked out from behind Stefan. "Have you been a mole?!"

I held my tongue, crossing my arms. It was better this way. There was no way I'd trust either vampire with the knowledge that I was a soulmate. Not when they're both obsessed with Elena the way they are.

"What are we going to do?" Elena wasn't the one getting stared at.

"I haven't even done anything."

Damon threw his hands up. "That we know of. Elijah could have you doing things you don't remember."

"We've gotten off topic. Release Elijah now and we could keep Klaus as insurance. He'd know what to do, they're brothers."

"Of course you want to release Elijah. You're loyal to him." Stefan approached me slowly. "Just let us help you."

"Or Elijah isn't the one who wants to kill Elena." I shot back. "But sure, let out of the one who wants to sacrifice the love of your lives."

"We're not letting either out." Damon pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know why this is even a discussion. It's. Not. Happening."

The front door slammed open. "Enough of this madness."

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