Vampire Kidnappers

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"-ew! Drew!" Elena was shaking me awake.

Why hadn't I had a dream?

"What happened?" I asked, glancing at our dreary surroundings, it was a poorly lit house, the windows were mostly covered by wooden boards.

"We got kidnapped, but don't worry." She dug a piece of paper out of her pocket and showed it to me, she put a finger against her lips and then pointed to the paper.

Stefan and Damon are on their way

- B

I let out a sigh of relief. "What do they want with us." I whispered.

"I think they want to give me to someone because I'm the doppelgänger." She kept looking over her shoulder anxiously.

Why'd they take me then? Elena, I understood but I was just a nobody. "What does that mean for me? I don't want to be their next meal."

"I'm going to keep you safe." She promised, pulling me into a hug. "Nothing's going to happen. We just have to stay quiet until they can get here."

A woman came into the room, she was putting boards up against the windows, blocking out more sunlight. All we could do was sit there, neither of us wanted to piss off our kidnappers.

Another person came running down the stairs. "He's here." Elena's grip tightened, I watched the two, wondering why they were so panicked. Weren't they the kidnappers? "This was a mistake." The man said pointing his finger at the woman and walking towards us.

I stiffened, pressing myself as far against the couch as I could. As much as I trusted Elena, what would she do against these people.

"No, I told you I'd get us out of this, you have to trust me" the woman responded calmly. Who was here that made them so afraid?

"No! He wants me dead Rose." The man began to pace.

"But he wants her more." 'Rose' pointed at Elena.

"I can't do this, you give them to him, he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here." The man stumbled back towards the stairs.

"Hey." Rose snapped. "What are we?"

The man took an audible breath. "We're family, forever."

Vampire kidnappers?

A pounding on the door made everyone in the room jump. Whomever they were talking about, was on their doorstep.

"Stay here, and don't make a sound." The woman glared at us and disappeared from view.

We heard talking in another room, but we couldn't hear what was said. I turned toward my older sister. "What's going on?"

"They're scared of someone, and whoever that is, just knocked on the door" Elena whispered back.

Yes, I got that Elena. Very helpful.

Footsteps sounded down the hallway, our grip on each other tightened. When he entered the room, Elena stood, blocking me from view.

She froze as the new man appeared in front of her, and gasped. He slowly moved to her neck, and I watched my sister start to panic.

Shit. What was I supposed to do? This man had two vampires scrambling. What could a human do?

When he pulled back, we made eye contact, and his head tilted to the side. I didn't like that. He moved around my sister, despite her best efforts, and crouched down in front of me. "Hello there."

"Leave her alone!" Elena demanded, I tried to move as far into the couch as I possibly could, drawing my knees to my chest.

He lifted a hand, moving the stray hairs from my face. "And who might you be?" He asked with a raised brow.

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