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"Hello darling." Kol grinned at me."How is the gang doing?"

"Why are you so interested?" I asked with a raised brow.

"It's my only form of entertainment."

"Well if you must know." I started "Elena's getting antsy because people keep warning her about Klaus, Elijah stabbed Damon in the neck with a pencil so now they don't trust him as much." I folded my arms, not that they did in the first place. "Oh! And my freaking uncle is my sister's dad."

"Why did Elijah stab Damon?" Kol asked, amused. 

"Because he was taunting him, apparently Elijah felt disrespected."

"Drama queen." Kol rolled his eyes, but they were glinting. "I'm sure your friends are preparing for my brother's arrival."

I nodded. "The witches are weirdly helping, they want Bonnie to kill him. They gave her a ton of magic to take him out." Everyone was preparing for his arrival.

"The amount of magic it would take to kill an Original would kill Bonnie before she even got close." He shook his head. "You need to convince her to leave him be. Don't trust the ancestor witches. They never help out of the kindness of their hearts." 

"How do you know?" I questioned.

"I've been alive a long time mon amour, I followed many covens and picked up a few things." He grabbed my hand, gently kissing it.

"I spoke with Elijah." A few weeks ago.


"I know you said to stay away, but I am also very human and he got someone to invite him in my house."

"Darling, it's alright." He pulled me into his chest. "Just tell me you're safe."

"I am. I promise." I stepped back.

"What did Elijah say."

I relayed our earlier conversation. "He has a theory that we can see each other because you're daggered and we're soulmates."

"That makes sense, I can't complain. This is the next best thing to actually being with you." Kol smiled. "Has Niklaus caused trouble yet?"

"No. He hasn't even shown up yet. I'm dreading it, he's going to kill Elena and I can't even warn the group because I can't explain why Elijah is favoring me."

"And you're staying as far away as you can. Right."

"Of course." I laughed nervously.

His expression dropped, eyes narrowing. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

I felt the familiar fogginess, awareness filtered through of my name being called. "Oh no, I'm waking up. Bye!"


"Miss Gilbert." My teacher stood over me, an annoyed expression on his face. "Can you tell me how to mix these two reactants?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"I don't know." I shrugged, cringing at how groggy my voice was.

"Maybe next time you won't sleep in my class." he turned back to teaching, dumb science teacher, he always had that monotone voice and he'd read from the even more boring textbook.

"Drew." The girl next to me leaned over her desk.

"What?" I whispered back, glancing wearily at the teacher.

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