A little party never killed nobody

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Klaus Mikaelson had a baby strapped to his chest at a bar and no one batted an eye. She was comfortably asleep with those headphones that block out sound.

It was honestly kind of impressive.

Were we seriously not going to talk about what just happened?

I woke up and Elijah had already gone to his room.

Then we all got dressed up to go out to celebrate the win.

I shifted on my stool. Apparently no one partied like thousand year old vampires with deep pockets. Not that it mattered, they owned this city.

"Having fun, my love?" Kol grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Not particularly, but I wasn't going to be allowed to stay at your ridiculously fancy house by myself anyway."

"You know, we could get out of here. I'm sure Nik wouldn't notice."

"Are you suggesting we sneak out?" Why hadn't I thought of it.

Oh wait.

They were all getting progressively drunk.

Not that it would last long.

I was more than a little buzzed, far less than I wanted to be, but I could feel how flushed my cheeks were and it was well worth the warmth I felt.

A man approached, stumbling around as he moved for the bartop. "Can I get another beer." He burped.

This guy had to be a tourist.

He was wearing those stereotypical cargo shorts and a floral top.

And he was older too, like older than my dad would've been.

The bartender gave him a look and shook his head. "You're cut off, my friend."

His face grew red and he pointed a finger at the worker. "My money is still good here."

"You're drunk off your ass, move along or I'll ban you." He moved to the next patron with a fresh smile.

I kind of felt bad for him. Always needing to take care of people who get wasted and angry.

Kol's attention drifted from the scene to where Finn and Elijah were sitting. They didn't seem to be in the party mood, but they were dragged here just as I was.

Freya was having a great time though.

I hadn't even noticed that the older man was now looking at me until he touched my arm. I jolted, leaning away from him and into Kol.

"Hey pretty thing. Why don't you come home with me."

Kol barely moved and I grabbed a handful of his shirt. This guy didn't deserve to die. As much as Kol would like to claim that he's not the jealous type. He was.

He'd made that clear with Josh.

"Not interested, I'm here with my boyfriend." The lie tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it.

Turns out I was really good at lying to creepy men.

I felt eyes on us.


"Oh come on baby. I'll make it worth your while." His gaze trailed down my body and I felt like I needed a shower.

"Gross." My grip tightened on Kol, who looked down right murderous. "We were just leaving, huh, babe."

"Pretty thing like you shouldn't be wasting her time with boys when you can have a real man."

"Kol. Calm down." Maybe we were on shaky ground, but I wasn't about to just let him kill a guy for hitting on me. "Kol. Don't do this."

Turns out he didn't have to do anything. I bit back a scream as a hand appeared, reaching through the man's chest.

Klaus stood behind the man as he dropped. His heart in hand. The hybrid looked far too pleased with himself. "Was he bothering you, little mouse?" His other hand was patting Hope like he hadn't just murdered someone.

I let out a heavy sigh, and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Klaus."

He gave me an innocent look in turn while the, likely compelled, bartender handed him a clean rag. "What?"

"You didn't have to kill him."

"On the contrary, he was making my sister uncomfortable. Kol may let that stand but I will not."

Kol glared at him. "I would have if not for Drew's incessant morals."

Klaus tutted. "She's got you wrapped around her finger. Careful brother, that one will betray you the moment it benefits her."

"Sounds like a true Mikaelson." Marcel leaned against the bar on the other side of us. "How is Elijah's pet project?"

"Okay woah, first off, I'm not a Mikaelson." Never have been nor will I ever be one. "And I'm right here."

"When were you going to tell me she's a soulmate?"

"Keep your fucking voice down." Kol hissed and sent a weary look around the room. "There are plenty of supernaturals in this bar that would kill her for what she is."

"So I was right." Marcel's expression grew triumphant.

"Big whup." I downed the drink from behind me. It'd gotten refilled at some point. "You wouldn't try and pull anything here, in front of all these people, all these witnesses. And hurting me would get you no where, besides maybe dead, depending on why you're still alive in the first place." He'd betrayed Klaus and owned what a Klaus wanted to own, I'm surprised he was breathing at all.

Though Klaus did just pull a guys' heart out and no one said a thing.

Either they were compelled or knew not to react.

"Is there a problem?" Elijah put his hands in his pockets. Finn and Freya weren't too far behind him.


Now everyone had joined the party.

"No, no problem at all." I rushed to say. "Here's a great idea, why don't we all go to the house, this place is dead anyway." As soon as I said it, I regretted it. "No pun intended."

Kol's hand wrapped around mine and I hadn't realized I was still holding his shirt. Embarrassment flooded my cheeks. "Yes, let's. I'm feeling rather peckish, perhaps we could grab a real drink on the way." His fingers grazed my jaw. "You're looking a little gray, Angel."

"Have you been drinking blood?" Elijah looked down on me and I crossed my arms.

"When did this turn against me?"

"Drew." There was heavy warning in Klaus' voice. "Answer the question."

"No, alright. It's not like you guys have a freezer full of blood bags." They preferred it from the vein. "And I haven't had the chance to sneak into a nearby hospital."

"Noted." Freya was already on the phone.

"You must drink blood."

Thank you, Captain obvious. "If it wasn't the most vile thing I'd ever had, maybe I would."

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