The Mystic Grill

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Rebekah Mikaelson had to have been in nearly every shop in town. We were only at the grill now because I was starving.

"So, how's it going with Kol?" She sipped her milkshake. "I've been dying to know everything."

Shopping bags surrounded us, our poor waiter had to step around them in order to get us our food. "I think he wants to be with me, but I've never been in a relationship before so I'm horrible at it. Plus he only just woke up and I had to take off before he murdered my friends."

She hummed. "Elijah told me you were having dreams? So you've interacted."

"Right but we've never been on a date or anything, we just kind of talked, I didn't actually think he was real until a little while ago. He's more ready for this whole soulmate thing than I am." I picked at my burger. "What if I'm not good enough? What if I only feel the way I do because of the bond?"

"My mother told me about it. She and her coven, small as it was, believed that soulmates were direct opposites of each other, while being perfectly matched. Kol loves being a vampire, you're unsure whether you even want to complete the transition. He likes to go on murder binges, I can bet you've never taken a single life and perhaps even feel sick at the sight of blood."

I didn't like how right she was. "What is it with you Mikaelsons telling me how crazy Kol is? I never thought he was really that bad. He even fed from me instead of someone else because I asked him to."

Rebekah leaned forward, scanning me with renewed interest. "He drank from you while you were still human? And you lived long enough to get back here?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Nature has always been a fickle thing. It never liked interspecies anything, which is why witches think vampires are such an abomination. So for the bond to not immediately kill you for betraying nature..."

"Then why pair us together?"

She shrugged. "Hell if I know. Maybe Kol pissed off some spirits or you were always destined to be a piss poor vampire." Rebekah flagged down a server, stealing some of my fries along the way. "I think it's time you decide."

"Please don't do anything that'll harm someone else."

"Oh you're no fun." She grabbed the waitress. "You will not remember this and you will not make a peep." She glanced around cautiously before biting the poor server and allowing the blood to drip in her empty cup.

"Rebekah." I hissed, leaning closer. "Half the people in this place drink vervain."

"Interesting." She gave the girl a napkin and she left as if nothing ever happened. "Newbies usually can't control their vampire features around blood, much less if you're in transition." Rebekah waved the cup under my nose, and the oddest sensation trickled across my face, even in my gums and when I touched under my eyes, veins were protruding.

It kind of felt like goosebumps.

I hid in my jacket sleeve. What if someone saw?! I definitely didn't need the council trying to murder my in-laws and then dying because of it.

Someone sat next to me. "Rebekah, stop trying to force her." That was Kol. Why was he here? "Deep breaths Darling, it's all about control." He put a hand on my back, thumb tracing small, rhythmic circles. "I know that blood smells good, but envision those pesky little veins receding."

Control. Right.

"I can't do it."

"Yes you can. Those fangs are just another extension of yourself, like moving a finger, you can make them go away."

Okay. Okay.


No. I could still smell the blood.

Wait. "How did you even know where I was?" I refused to look at him, too scared that I'd reveal I was a vampire to a bunch of townies.

"Darling I've known where you've been since the moment I arrived in this town. I don't intend to lose you again."


"Adorable." Rebekah deadpanned. "Though it still doesn't solve the decision dilemma."

"I need to talk to Jeremy first." That had to buy me some time.

"He knows, my heart. At the rate news travels through your little group, he should." Kol hadn't stopped rubbing circles and it was actually kind of working. "At least now I can touch you without killing you."

Bright side to everything. Right?

Did Jer really know? I didn't want to die without seeing my siblings. I'd been away for so long- I just wanted a little more time.

Why was I so opposed to being a vampire again?

My gums tingled and I could actually feel the fangs receding. As soon as I was positive my face was clear, I leveled a glare at Rebekah. "We have a very anti supernatural council in this fucking town. They might not be able to kill you but they can definitely kill me."

Kol drew me into his side. "As if I'd allow that to happen." He dropped a kiss on my head.

"Speaking of allowances." I cleared my throat. "when am I going to see my siblings? If I'm really going to die soon, I want to say my goodbyes."

"We'll have time for that." He promised.

"No, half the day is already gone and I've spent it with your family."

Rebekah slid the glass of blood over. "If you just drink, you'll have as long as you'd like."

Fucking Originals.

"Fine." I snatched it away from her. Being a vampire couldn't be that bad right? "You all want me to complete the transition so bad."

Just down it.

Don't think about what it is.

I knocked the glass back, holding my breath as the cooling liquid slid down my throat.


Why did they enjoy this so much? It was disgusting. It felt like I was going to hurl, frantically, I nudged Kol out of the booth seat but didn't make it far before the very same blood came back up.

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