Daddy's Home

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I grasped the railing of the indoor balcony. "Elijah, please let him go." I was all too aware of Klaus standing behind me.

"The issue, is I don't believe in slip of the tongue, love. Neither does my brother." Klaus was far too close and my stomach was twisting itself in knots.  "What did you mean, twice?" He asked again.

Damon struggled against the Original's grip on his throat.

Stefan was thankfully keeping his distance and Kol looked torn between helping his siblings and looking at me.

"Little mouse, I'm sure your friend would like to breathe."

"You said no more threats." I'd stupidly thought that making Klaus promise not to hurt them would keep them safe. The other originals were just as violent.

"I'm not the one holding Damon against the wall by his throat." He leaned closer. "Answer the question."

"I had a fever like ten minutes ago." Yeah, that would work. "I-I just- I wasn't thinking straight." Believe it. "Elijah, please."

"You have grown far too docile, and at first I thought it was your grief, but now..."

"I'll do the bond."

"No!" Kol seemed to snap out of it and pointed at his brother. "Let him go. We're not forcing Drew, not like Mikael. We are not him. She shouldn't feel like she has to in order to save someone she loves."

Damon choked out a laugh. "It's gonna suck when he kicks your asses."

"What is he talking about?" Freya frowned.

Stefan and I exchanged horrified looks.

"One of you needs to speak before Damon loses his tongue." Elijah's grip visibly tightened.

I didn't want to say anything. I was next to the Original with the most unpredictable and explosive temper.

But if I didn't, it would be one of the Salvatores.

"It was me. I set him free and he's on his way. They just came to make sure I got safely out."

"You did what?" Klaus ground out.

I avoided eye contact with any of them. "It's too late."

Fear thrummed under my skin. I don't know how I expected this to go down, but it was scary, pissing off Originals.

Absolutely terrifying.

"Choose your next words carefully, Drew Gilbert. Your friends' lives depend on it." Klaus was taking measured breaths.

Should I even try running?

"I wanted to be free, and it started right after their deaths." I took several steps away from him. "Two years of careful planning, I had a role to play and I had to trick you, and Elijah, and Finn, and Freya when I got here. The most paranoid people on the planet. Even you have to admit that it was kind of impressive." I was babbling again, desperately trying to explain in a way that would get us out alive.

"Drew?" Kol.

The betrayal in his voice made me glad I wasn't looking at him. I had far too many mixed feelings about him right now.

Now that I was talking, the words tumbled out of my mouth and I couldn't stop them. "And I hated that Josh died, but it helped sell it." My voice cracked, and I licked my lips, wiping away traitorous tears. "I am so confused right now. Because Elijah's memories, and Freya, and Kol-"


"Josh begged me to not do this and it's definitely not the Salvatores' fault. It was all me. I did this. So give me your anger and let them go."

No one moved.

Then Klaus was gone from his place and in a breath he was standing behind Stefan.

He fell.

"NO!" I grasped the handrails again, watching in horror as Damon tried to fight, but ultimately met the same end.

No no no.

This couldn't be happening.

Not again.

"Come down here." Klaus ordered, letting Stefan's heart fall. "Now."

Why was it so hard to breathe?

My ears were ringing as I mechanically descended the stairs, at the same time, everything seemed muffled and dull.

There was noise, and I'm pretty sure someone was talking.

The second I reached the bottom floor, it was like something inside me snapped.

I started laughing, and I couldn't stop.

"What's happening?" I vaguely heard Kol.

A vague sense of clarity settled over my mind and suddenly, the Salvatores dead on the floor didn't hurt so much. "I'm sorry, it's just, what does it feel like?"

Klaus and Elijah exchanged a glance. "What does what feel like?"

"To lose. Your father, the very reason why there has been so much death, is on his way here and his life's mission is to destroy you all. Even if I die, I'll still win. I'll see my family soon. And you get to meet your death at the hands of the man you fear most." I chuckled, suddenly I felt elated, like I was floating on air. "The cherry on top, is that I tricked you. I thought for sure you guys would've figured me out. But I guess that saying is true, the best lies always have a kernel of truth."

"Your humanity." Kol took a step forward. "You switched it off."

"Did I?" I held my arms up and looked at them as if seeing them for the very first time. "Huh."

"Drew, listen to me carefully, you need to turn it back on."

"Why? So I can feel the pain? The grief? I feel amazing right now."

"We need to go, now." Klaus urged his siblings. Finn held Hope close to his chest. "We can deal with that when we're at a safe distance." He gestured to me.



"I think I'll explore New Orleans, after all you've got nothing to hold me anymore."

Elijah sped toward me. "What's this vervain doing 'round your neck?"

I couldn't help laughing again. "Seriously. One of the first things you said to Elena. C'mon, I expected better of you."

"Isn't this a sight. All of my children."

Elijah froze.

"Uh oh, daddy's home."

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