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"You sure about this?" Jeremy threw the car into park. "Because we definitely don't have to go, I'm sure the Salvatores can handle Kathrine."

I rubbed at a scar I had from her. She was the scariest vampire we'd ever come across and her frustrations had fallen on Jeremy's and my head far too often. "No no, Stefan said this would work and I trust him and Damon. They hate her as much as we do."

"Still. This isn't really our fight. Elena's safe at home with Ric and Jenna."

"We all have our roles to play, Jer. We do this and we're rid of her forever."

He leaned back against his head rest. "I'm just tired of having to play the game."

"You and me both."

"You ever think we're gonna get out of Mystic Falls? Like after we graduate. Elena's still planning on going to college and that's gonna drag all the supernatural drama with her."

"We could go to Denver. Plenty of distance and we have family there. I don't know what I would do there though, I don't really want to go to college."

Jeremy hummed, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "I'd want to work in music I think, like a records store or something."

"Yeah. I honestly don't really care where we go, so as long as we're far away from Mystic Falls, I think we'll be okay. Somewhere the name Gilbert doesn't carry any weight."

My phone vibrated, lighting up with a text from Damon.

"Time to go in?"

"Yep. Kathrine took Caroline's bait."


"What the hell were you two thinking?!" Elena paced in front of Jeremy and I.

At least we were outside and she wasn't lecturing us in front of the town.

"Damon said we'd be fine." Jeremy crossed his arms. "And it's not like we haven't done plans like these before."

Elena paused. "When did you start trusting Damon?"

"Since he saved me." I leaned against my palms, the picnic table was rough and the paint was chipping off. "He's trying."

After Damon realized his feelings weren't returned and his hatred of Kathrine begun, he'd been doing better too.

Even apologized for how he'd acted in the past.

"Does this look like it's fine." She gestured to her shirt, covered in patches of blood. "Kathrine's too smart for this. If she figured out what was happening, then you two are in danger."

"When aren't we in danger Elena?" Jeremy scoffed. "Because the last time I remember any of us being safe was before mom and dad died."

"Still." She punched the bridge of her nose. "I wish you'd at least talked to me before throwing yourselves into her warpath. I'm your big sister, I'm supposed to protect you. The only reason I even agreed to stay home tonight was because I thought the two of you would be okay."

I held back a shiver as a breeze drifted across my bare shoulders. Definitely not the best choice of dress for this weather. "And we were. Neither of us were even remotely injured."

Bar a minor panic attack.

But, she didn't need to know about that.

Elena let out a breath. "I'm glad. Should we go home then? Now that it's all over? Jenna will kill us if we catch a cold."

"Yes. I can't wait to get out of this, I'd forgotten how uncomfortable this dress was." I hopped off the table. "I'll go with Elena though."

It'd be best not to leave her alone for a bit, not with those magical wounds.

I wasn't gonna lose another family member to a freak car accident.

"You sure? I'm gonna go find Stefan, see if he's okay. Jeremy could take you home faster."

My brother and I exchanged a glance, a silent, understanding one. "No, I'll stay with you. I think Jer can make it on his own." I meant it as a joke, but no one was laughing.

"I'll see you guys later." Jeremy gave me a side hug and I soaked in the comfort. My hands were still shaking from earlier. "Text me when you're on your way."

"Only if you text me that you made it back safely." I pointed at him.

He huffed a laugh. "Of course."

Then he left.

"Come on, I think I saw Stefan inside." I nodded toward the house. Damon was already gone, no doubt taking Kathrine to the tomb.

"Hey-" Elena grabbed my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Nothing you need to worry about."

"Why? Did something happen?"

I rubbed the scar on my arm. "No. It's fine Elena, I can handle it."

Her eyes flicked to where I was touching and then looked away, something guilty in her expression. "Let's go find Stefan."


Walking in grass while in heels was more stressful than it needed to be, especially after the night we'd had.

At least we could see the stars.

I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye but when I looked, it was already gone. Weird. That kind of thing only meant there was a vampire.


Before I could even say a word of warning, Elena crumpled to the ground, and a heavy, hard object hit the back of my head.

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