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This week's mission to the blood bank was far less uneventful than the one before. I actually made it all the way in and out with no issue. Fate had other plans it seemed, because I knew my day was about to turn sour the moment I saw that two faced bitch.

Kathrine Petrova had me against a wall, by the throat, before I could blink. "I've been following you for weeks, watching that pitiful attempt at a relationship."

"What are you doing here?" I couldn't keep the tremble out of my voice.

How did she even know?!

At least she wasn't doing this in front of a bunch of people, we were in a pretty deserted part of the hospital.

"Well I was going to lie in wait, I had it all planned out, then I got bored. You're my ticket to freedom."

Of course I was.

It wasn't really that hard to separate her from Elena. They had the same face, that was true, and it made my heart ache, but Kathrine was something else entirely.

"So I what? I'm your sacrificial lamb?"

She paused, and her grip loosened considerably and then tightened. Whatever she was thinking, she changed her mind. "I've been running from Klaus for five hundred years. Right now you're so high on their list of priorities that it's rumored they're actually seeking you out themselves." Kathrine rolled her eyes. "It's almost annoying how he has a soft spot for you."

"Are you- jealous?" I shifted uncomfortably.


"Seriously?! And he doesn't have a soft spot, he literally set my siblings on fire."

"Well you're not dead, so that does say something." She deadpanned.

I scoffed. "Hardly."

"What? Did his anger scare you? Of course he was going to kill your family, they're of no use to him and he's known for his temper tantrums."

"I'd argue that Elijah is scarier than Klaus. That whole quiet anger thing he has going on is-"

Kathrine slammed me against the wall, and I couldn't breathe. "Is this all some game to you? I have to trade some kid to gain my freedom. Five hundred years and I'm still pleading for my life. You up for that?"

"Give me a break. You feel guilty for trading my freedom for yours?"

She huffed out a dry laugh, loosening her grip ever so slightly. "I'm not sentencing you to some living hell. You're an Original's soulmate, Drew. It's not like they'll kill you. If anything you're going to live in luxury."

I scoffed. "I couldn't breathe a word against Klaus without some form of threat used as retaliation. Don't even get me started on this fucking soulmate bond. Why do you think I'm a vampire, Hm? That wasn't my choice. When I was with them, I never had a choice and you're going to send me back to that."

Kathrine leaned in. "I. Don't. Care."

Why was I trying to appeal to her humanity? It was clear that any she had left was gone.

"You really are heartless."

"I thought our time together taught you that lesson." She mocked.

I looked away. "Yeah well I'm stronger now."

"Are you? Because all I see is the same, scared girl who couldn't defend herself against the big bad villains."

"Why are you such an awful person?"

"Comes with being forced to be on the run for so long. It would happen to you, if you had the chance. I know you're still bitter about Klaus killing your family, I would be, if I cared about mine anymore." Kathrine stepped back. "Have to wait for that healing to kick in. Can't let any of the Mikaelsons see you with bruises from me."

"Right, because Kol would kill you."

She hummed, checking an imaginary watch. "If my timing's right, which it always is, the Originals should be on your boy toy's doorstep in ten minutes. You'd better run Drew, who knows if you'll get there in time."

"What did you do?" My gut twisted.

"I simply gave them the address, that panicked look on your face is just the icing on the cake."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about going there." My breath caught in my chest.


I closed my eyes. Josh was as good as dead.

"Kol wants to have a chat with the 'boy toy'. We'll see him in New Orleans."

Kathrine reached out and pulled me behind her. "Is our deal done? I finally get my freedom?"

Klaus huffed out an amused laugh. "Yes, our deal. Slight snag in your plans, sweetheart, I told you not to lay a finger on her."

"But I did what you asked! See, she's fine." This was the most nervous I'd ever seen Kathrine. I might have enjoyed it if Klaus being here wasn't the reason for it. "Not a scratch."

The Original was in front of her before either of us could react. "I think I'll take a page out of my brother's book."

"What does that mean?"

Should I take this opportunity to run? Klaus seemed rather preoccupied with Kathrine and if he went after me, he'd lose her.

And he'd been hunting her far longer than me.

Maybe I could get to Josh, talk Kol out of killing him.

"Did Elijah ever tell you what he did to those run aways, what were their names? Ah, Rose Marie and Trevor." That got my attention.

"Klaus, please don't." I took several steps away from the pair. "We're in a hospital."

Kathrine tried to do the same but was stopped by Klaus. He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall, not unlike the position I was just in.

Okay, now was the perfect opportunity to practice what Josh and I had been working on.

"Then it shouldn't be too hard to get the blood off the floor." In the split second Klaus' attention shifted back to Kathrine, I bolted.

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