Elijah's a Weirdo

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"Hey Damon." I greeted, throwing my backpack on the backseat before hopping in the front.

"Little Gilbert." He grinned, pulling his car into drive. "So Stefan tells me you've got yourself a stalker."

"Elijah's a weirdo."

"Oh, first name basis, there a relationship I don't know about? Perhaps it was love at first sight." Damon speculated with a grin. "I mean, he did answer your questions, right?"

"That is so not why." I grumbled, punching Damon's shoulder. "And he talked to Stefan too. It's not like I'm the only one."

"Mhm, sure, I believe it." He laughed, pulling into the Grill parking lot. "Now here's the deal, I'll be watching, but you need to figure out why wolf boy's so desperate he'll go after the baby of the group."

I folded my arms. "I'm not the baby."

"You are, you're the youngest." Damon deadpanned as we got out.

"By four minutes!" I shot back, shoving his arm.  Damon held up his hands in surrender. "Stop teasing me about it." He locked his car, though it wouldn't do much, the top was down.

"But it's so fun." He smirked, ruffling my hair.

I groaned, patting down my hair. "I don't like you."

"You love me." Damon grinned, pulling open the door for me to walk through.

"Nope." I rolled my eyes, glancing around for Tyler.

He was sitting in the corner by the pool tables, his leg bouncing. I approached him, Damon moved to sit at the bar. "Hey." I shoved my hands in my jacket pockets.

"You came." Tyler sat up.

"Yeah." I hesitantly joined him at the table "Why exactly did you ask me to come here?"

"I'm really sorry." He did look genuinely apologetic.

"What do you have to be sorry for?"

"Look I really don't want to hurt you, so just come with me." he pleaded.


Groaning, I sat up only to come into contact with metal.

What the hell?

Caroline sat as best she could next to me, pain marring her face. "Are you okay?" She asked, as she looked me over.

"My head hurts." I felt around the area, and gasped when I saw red. How hard had I been hit?

"Do you want some of my blood?" She offered, but I declined, I didn't want to be a seventeen year old vampire.

"What are we doing here?" We were in a trailer.

"We're being held hostage, Jules got the jump on me." She growled.

"Tyler got me." The little fucker. This was my second time being kidnapped in just as many weeks. Caroline suddenly perked up. "What?"

"Shh." She held her finger to her lips and then pointed at her ears. "Stefan and Damon are here to rescue us." She listened again. "They're bargaining Tyler for us." I struggled to hear, but all I got was muffled voices. "Now someone else is here, it's a man, and he isn't very happy." Her eyebrows furrowed together in concentration.

"Does he have an accent per chance?"

Caroline's head snapped to me "he's uh- taking care of the werewolves." She cleared her throat.

The door to the trailer slammed open, a desperate looking woman marched over to our cage. She pulled out a gun and shot Caroline, successfully knocking her out, I gasped.

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