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"C'mon love, it's time to wake up."

I groaned, pulling my comforter over my head. "Leave me alone."

"You've been avoiding us for weeks."

"Maybe that's the point."

"I have errands to run and you need to see daylight."

"Don't you have your hybrid army to do that for you?" I peeked out. Klaus was leaned against my doorway, arms crossed. "What if I don't want to run errands with you?"

"I'll drag you out of bed myself if that's what it takes. You have eternity with us and if we haven't made it clear, you are a member of this family. As such, we're having a ball tonight in your honor. You will attend."


"I expect you to be downstairs in the next hour or I will slaughter Jaime." He threatened casually as he left.

I'd be a fool to think he wouldn't follow through.

"Fine. You're so bossy."

"Heard that!" Klaus called. It seemed the space the siblings had given me, while still under their watchful eye, was over.

"I still don't understand why I have to carry your baby." Hope was annoyingly adorable, all wrapped up in the carrier, she was freaking snuggling me in her sleep. It was like she knew I was trying to murder her entire family. "I don't exactly have a lot of experience with kids." Outside of babysitting here and there.

"Yes but it's hard to protect both you and her if I'm holding her. Kol would sooner kill me if you come home with so much as a scratch." Klaus smirked. "It also doesn't hurt that you wouldn't dare run with my child attached to you."

He was right.

But he didn't have to be so smug about it.

"Point made. Where are we going that's oh so important?"

He opened the door to a bar, gesturing inside. "After you, little mouse."

Yes, let's bring a baby into a place like this. Stellar idea.

"Fine." Don't tell me then.

As soon as we were inside, Klaus lead me toward a sticky looking table in the back where a man was already seated.

"Who's this?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"None of your concern Marcellus." Klaus pulled out a chair for me. He was being strangely kind. I carefully sat, keeping a hand on Hope's head so she wouldn't wake up. "What are the witches up to now?"

"Nothing that I can figure. If I were still in power, we wouldn't be having these little uprisings." 'Marcellus' kept glancing my way. "You and your siblings have been too soft on them."

"If it's punishment they're after, I'll be happy to oblige. As for your little comment, you're the reason we came to New Orleans. If you hadn't faked your death, none of this would've happened." He leaned back in his seat.

"Your power grab disrupted any peace I worked so hard to establish." Marcellus grounded out.

"Wait wait. They took over your city too?" I couldn't help but laugh.

That seemed to throw the man off. "What do you mean, too?"

"The Mikaelsons tried to rule my small town, at least, until they moved here and kidnapped me."

Klaus' hand dropped on my shoulder, a firm contrast to the light hearted chuckle coming out of his mouth. "She's one of Elijah's pet projects. I needed a babysitter for Hope while he went out for the day. Isn't that right, Drew."

"Mhm." I grit my teeth against the grip.

"I just can't figure out where I've seen you before." Marcellus' eyes narrowed before they widened. "The paintings. She looks like the girl from your paintings." He looked at Klaus. "How come I've never met Elijah's 'pet project' before."

"Merely a distant ancestor and a coincidence." Was he talking about Tatia? "She died long ago." He cleared his throat. "Get the witches under control Marcel. Or I will do it for you. I'm not as easily swayed by the mere husk of someone I once loved." Klaus' voice was dangerously low.

Was it Marcel or Marcellus?

"Don't you bring Davina into this."

"They killed her and you still help them. Fix it."

Marcel's expression darkened. "I'm trying to take back what's mine."

"Careful. You might just join poor Rebekah in a coffin."

The man's jaw clenched. "We both know that's an empty threat. Your dagger would kill me."

Klaus shrugged. "True, but I could bleed you dry and stuff you in a box just the same. A good old fashioned time out would do you good."

"You would know about desiccation." I muttered.

"What was that, love?"

Perhaps reminding him about his time under the Salvatore house wasn't the best idea in his current state. "It's just, you weren't so high and mighty during the cellar incident."

"What's she talking about?"


"My friends and I trapped him and Elijah in a cellar and didn't give them blood for a while."

"Might I remind you the result of that particular indiscretion." The look Klaus was leveling at me told me that I wouldn't be hearing the end of this any time soon. "I thought we discussed this the other night."

"You pulled an innocent woman into your grab for control over me and my sister. I'm pretty sure if we hadn't done that, it would've been some other petty reason."

He loved to torture me with the people he killed as a punishment for my choices.

"Your Aunt was an easy target."

"So she deserved the end she got?" I unclipped the carrier and handed Hope to Klaus. "I need some air."

He grabbed my arm before I could even take a step away from the table. "Sit. Down."

"You made your point. I'm sure she won't get far, just let her go." Marcel glanced between us.

Klaus and I held eye contact and to my surprise, he actually listened.

I ran.

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