Y/N pov
"Nialler stop" I giggled as he tickled me madly. I squealed as he kissed me all over my face. He settled back down as we turned our focus back to the movie.
Well I did. Niall was focused on his phone smiling at his phone and texting. I leaned over and kissed down his jaw and along his neck. I almost reached his sweet spot when I noticed a love bit close to the sensitive spot but not on it.
Funny thing is I didn't give it to him. Maybe I'm delusional maybe I was off my game one night and missed his sweet spot. I nodded assuring myself but in the back of my mind I know it wasn't me. I pulled away suddenly out of the mood after the sickening thought.
"Why did ya stop Y/N" Niall asked confused.
"Just tired now sorry" I mumbled.
"Well I gotta go to the studio with the boys bye" Niall sad if kissing my head.
He was slipping on his shoes when I had a thought. Sophia told me her and Liam were going out today cause the boys had the week off. So why is Niall going to the studio? I didn't have time to question it cause he was already pulling out of the drive way. Without a second thought I grabbed my keys and ran to My car.
Niall was already down the street when I jumped in my car secretly ready to follow him. I watched as we passed the studio and I started to sweat well I already know he lied but where he going now.
I watched as he pulled into a drive way a young blonde orangish girl swinging open the door. She ran towards Niall and jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist.
Please Niall peel her gross fake body off please let her be a crazy fan. My thoughts were destroyed as he stuck his tongue down her throat and carried the mystery girl into the small house.
I sucked in a deep breathe and cried and cried letting my tears stain my shirt and sobs tune out the radio. This is what it feels like to have your heart split in two. I drive home and bawl my eyes out some more there.I slowly start packing my suit cases my sobs not dying down.
"Babe I'm home" I heard Niall shout. I shook my head and continued packing.
"Princess what's wrong what are you doing"Niall asked concerned once he entered the room.
I dropped my suit case and looked at Niall.
"I'm not your princess or babe anymore Niall you handed in the right to calling me that when you snogged a orange fake gold digger" I growled.
Niall's face turned white and he gasped.
"How did you find out" Niall asked scared.
"It doesn't matter what does matter is that I'm leaving you and you can be happy with your new girl friend im sorry I couldn't give you whatever she had" I whispered.
"Y/N please I love you so much don't leave" Niall said tears streaming down his face.
"Well maybe you should have thought about that before you through everything out the window" I spat. I grabbed my bags and walked down stairs.
"Good bye Niall" I said with out turning around.
6 months later
I wiped the tables of the restaurant I worked at and hummed along to any tune that came into my head I heard the chef ring the bell and knew the food was ready to be served.
I rushed towards the food carrying the one plate of salad over to the table.
The guy had his head down with his hood up. "
Um excuse me sir your food is ready" I said placing the food down.
The man looked up at me and smiled. We gasped at the same time as I started at the blue eyes I love so much. Awkward silence filled the air and I broke it.
"We dated for 3 years and not once did I see you touch a salad" I said giggling. Niall let out a a breath of air and laughed.
"Yeah I'm suppose to eat healthier but really I want a fatty cheese burger" he said smiling.
"How are you y/n" Niall asked tilting his head a bit.
"I'm okay I like the people I work with so ya" I said shuffling my feet.
"I miss you" Niall blurted out.
I looked at him and shook my head.
"You can't miss me you have a girlfriend" I whispered.
"We never dated after that day" Niall spoke quickly.
I nodded slightly relived.
"Well I better go" I said before adjusting my uniform.
"Wait y/n you act all cool on the outside but I know you I know you miss me and I know you hate lying so look me in the eyes and say you don't love me" Niall said tears filling his eyes.
I looked in his eyes and I felt my heart breaking as I tried to say the words.I gave up and let a tear fall.
"I can't do that" I said softly.
"Than don't" Niall answered before pressing his lips into mine.
And the rests history.
A/N Heyyy hope you liked it Hun anyway this book won't let liv muskaan or myself update anymore so we've crated a second book so continue reading the imagines there and if you requested I will be filling those soon
Katie ❤️

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...