This was the day. This was the day you would go on a One direction concert, the first time you would see them in real life, not just on videos and picture. Nope this time you would be around 7 meters away from them. You're dad had got second row tickets! You couldn't describe how excited your were for this day. You had waited for this day in two years and now it was here.
You were in the car, talking to your mother about everything that came up in your head. She just shook her head and laughed at you. You sang/screamed out the words to I Would, jumping on the seat of excitement. Usually your mother didn't let you play One Direction in the car, but this day she couldn't say no. She even sang along in some of the songs.
Three ours later, your mother parked the car outside the big arena. It was girls everywhere. Some of them in 1D-shirts, 1D or the boys names written in their face. You chuckled at them, not even you had done that. You had just an ordinary tank top with a pair of skinny jeans.
" Okay i will be here after the concert, so don't be to long and don't go anywhere else" you mum said, kissing your cheek.
" Okey mum, love you!" you hug her quick before you turned around and made your way to the queue.
Since non of your friends were there with you, you started to talk with the girl infront of you. Her name was Stacy, a happy girl, not one of those excessive fangirls. You got along well and a hour later the queue finally moved and you could go into the big arena. Stacy and you said good bye, since her seat was on the 20 row. You found your seat, just seven meters away from the stage. Excitement filled your body, in less than a hour you would see them. You couldn't believe that you would see the boys, the boys who had made your life these two years. Zayn, with his dark hair and beautiful laugh. Liam, who got those cute wrinkles around his eyes when he smiled. Louis, with his pretty smile, that made you smile everyday. Harry, with his curls and cheeky smile. And at least Niall. That irish boy who had the most amazing laugh, the bluest eyes you had ever seen. His blonde hair, they way he leaned back his head when he laughed, his irish accent. He was the one who had stolen you heart. But he didn't know it, and would never know. For him you were just another fan, nothing more.
Around fifteen minutes later the first act came in. She was actually pretty good, but sadly no one gave her that much attention, everyone were to busy to prepare themselves for the boys. And five minutes later your heard the familiar tunes of What Makes You Beautiful blast through the arena. You let out a little scream of excitement and seconds later the boys ran out on the stage. It was unbelievable. Only ten meters away from you stood Harry, waving and smile happily at everyone. The lads jumped and joked around as usually. You sang along with all the songs, or more screamed.
" It's time for... Twitter questions!" Louis yelled, jumping up on Harrys back. Since Harry didn't know about Louis planes to jump on Harry, they both fell to the floor. The rest of the boys and the whole crowd laughed at the two silly boys. Harry play hit Louis over the head, but burst out in a fit of laugher.
" Okey so back to the questions" Liam said, still laughing. You glanced over to Niall who was trying to reading the question between his laugh. His magical laugh, that you would recognize everywhere.
The question was that they should see who could scream the loudest, Louis won after that he almost broke his mic.
" Okay the next question.. 'Hello boys :) can you sing Another World? Always wanted to hear you doing it, love you all so much, especially Niall! :) xxx'" Zayn read out.
" And that was from Bailey, row 2 seat 23. Where are you Bailey?" Harry said, looking out in the crowd. You heart stopped at Harrys words. Oh god. It was your question, they had choose you question. This was even better then what you could imagine. Now all the boys were looking in your way. You jumped up and down, waving with your arms.
" Well i think it's her, the girl with dark hair and a big pretty smile. She's jumping up and down" Louis said, pointing at you. The all said hello to you, waved.
" Okay lets sing Another World now boys" the music started to play, Liams voice filled the arena. They all jumped around to the music and when Niall stood infront of you, his eyes met your for a quick seconds. Before he let your eyes go, he sent you a wink and blow you a kiss. You thought you would faint. After that, your and Nialls eyes met each other a few times. A blush crept up on your cheeks every time.
" And before we have to go, we have a surprise for you" Niall said, the whole crowd went crazy.
" Yes we have Niall. The surprise is... That 10 of you will get to meet us backstage!" harry said, jumping up and down. The whole crowd got quiet, everyone taking in what he had said. Then suddenly everyone started to scream, louder then ever.
" okay, so heres the name; Lucy Thompson,left side, row 45, seat 139" the boys continued with the names. You heart sank a little for every name they said.
" And the eight name is.. oh it's Nialls girl, Bailey, row 2, seat 23" your head snapped up, looking directly at Zayn who had said your name. This couldn't happen, no way. This have to be a dream.
" So if you came with us and to the rest a.." you didn't heard the rest because a tall man asked you if you was Bailey. You nodded at him, he gave you a smile, nodded at the door in the corner. You gave gave him a smile and he leaded you to the door. There at the door, the other girls stood, nervous like you.
" Well hello there girls and welcome to see our life backstage!" louis said, showing you in through the door. They all hugged you, you told them your names and you went to a room to just chill. The room had three big cuches, the boys threw themselves into the cuches, looking at you girls who just stood there.
" Come on, we will not bite you. I thought you liked us.." Louis said, pulling a sad face.
" Of course we like you Boo Bear, this is just a little to much for us" you said, sitting down between Niall. The all laughed when you said Boo Bear, and louis stuck out his tongue at you.
" hey Lou! Don't be mean to our guests" Niall said, pulling his arm around you shoulders. A warm feeling filled your body, his arm gave you shivers down your spine. You gave him a huge smile, which he answered back.
You sat there talking for hours. You had message your mum that you would be late, so she wouldn't be worried. You told them about yourselves and they told you about themselves. All the time you had Nialls arm around your shoulder, and your head was rested on his chest. It felt so natural, his arm around you, your head on his chest.
" Okay girls you have to go now" Paul said with a sad smile. You all sighed, but stood up from the cuches. The boys gave you all a long hug. Nialls hug were a little bit longer than the others. You said good bye and walked our from the room, towards the exit. You all talked, no one could be quiet.
"Bailey!" you heard a voice yelling behind you. You turned around and saw Niall running towards you. You gave him a confused look, what was he doing? Before you knew it, his arms was around your waist, hugging you tight. You hugged him back, it felt so good. He pulled away a little, so he could see your eyes. Then he did something really surprising, he leaned in and kissed you. The kiss was sweet, gently against your lips. You kissed him back, your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to you.
" Erm i'm sorry Bailey, but i had to do that. Ever since i saw you there in the crowd I wanted to feel your lips against mine. Emr.. i know this may sound stupid, but eh i kinda like you" a blush appeared on his cheeks. He was just the cutest, and oh god he like me! you thought with a stupid smile on your face.
" I like you too Niall, you're not stupid" a smile appeared on his beautiful face, his eyes glittering.
" So Bailey, do you want to go on a date with me?" his voice filled with nervousness.
" I would love to Niall" you said, with a huge smile. He smiled back and kissed you gently again. You heard the boys wolf whistling and the girls screaming behind you, but you didn't care. The only thing your cared about was Nialls lips against yours.THIS IS NOT MY WORK!!!!! ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE OWNER
but hope you liked it :)

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...