Hidden Mistakes

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Hey I'm becky. I'm currently 18 years old. So far my life has been shit. Nothing has gone right and I don't see anything good happening any time soon


"Mum I'm home" I shouted through the house as I hung up my Jacket on the banister. 

"Mum are you there?" I shout once again heading into the kitchen to fetch a snack. I reached into the cupboard and brought out a breakfast bar. I was happily eating it up the stairs when I saw my mums door was open. 

"Mum , you not feeling well?" I said pushing open the door a little. She was lying in bed. very pale. I moved my hand up to her fore head, she was freezing!

"Mum....mum" still no answer "MUM!" 

She wasn't waking. I tried to find her pulse in her neck but I couldn't. Just then I heard the door bell go downstairs. I wasn't sure on what to do, I was shaking. I slowly walked down the stairs, placed my hand over the latch and pulled it slightly.

"Hello sweetie, I'm sorry love I forgot my keys" he comes in and hugs me.

He puts his case down in the living room then comes out with a puzzled face.

"You look like you've seen a ghost Rebecca. Are you okay?" 

I was still shaking like mad.

"I-I n-need to s-show you something" a tear rolled from my eye. I slowly went up the stairs hoping that what I saw before wasn't going to be there this time. I pushed the door slightly signalling for him to go in.

"But dad, I-" I was cut off by crying

He proceeded into the room. 


"Dad she won't wa-"

"What do you mean becks? Just be quiet for a minute" I stood there watching my farther's actions. Everything he did made more tears appear in my eyes. 

He grabbed the cover and pulled it over her face.

"No dad! What are you doing!" I yelled falling to the floor.

"It was gonna happen sooner or later. She had cancer! We were all preparing for it" 

"B-b-but the doctor said t-three m-months!"

My dad remained silent as he grabbed his phone from his pocket walking out of the room. I ran to my room and slammed to the door behind me. I was hopeless. Now I had to tell my little sister what has happened when she gets home. I couldn't do it anymore. I picked up my mobile and dialled nialls number


Niall was the one who comforted me through everything that had happened, and the fact that my dad became an abusive alcoholic didn't help. My sister got put into care and because I was 15 then they didn't see the point in me so they kept me at home with him. The reason why I'm using the past tense while describing nialls part is because he left soon after the incident to audition for the X factor. 'We'll keep in touch' he said. 'I will call you everyday' he said. Ever since he left for boot camp I have not heard a word from him. 

So here I am in London. I had to get away from my dad. London has more opportunity and choice. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. To be honest I'm not very good at much. If i do get a job it will probably be the wrong one for me but who cares anymore ? With the bit of my mums money that wasn't waisted on alcohol I brought a nice little house in the north of London. Ohh and guess what ! There's a Starbucks down the road from me which makes things a little better. 

Knowing London I was going to have to get a job pretty quickly due to the fact I have to pay the rent. I popped into town and went looking for job openings.

Ok so I suppose you could say it didn't go to well, i mean most people would be thrilled about working in a fashion line but I don't know the first thing about it but Look i'm trying arnt I ? I still had college to face in the morning aswell which I am dreading but to my surprise that was the least of my problems .


-Muskaan xx

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