I made dinner for me and my boyfriend niall. He had some interviews and a little concert tonight. I was a bit worried because the last few weeks were horror for him. I hated it when he comes home tired and sad because i always become sad too. That's why i made his favourite food for tonight.
After about 20 minute he came home.
"Hi niall" i said and walked out of the kitchen to give... him a little kiss on the cheek.
"Hey babe" he said and tried to fake a smile. he failed.
"Was it that bad?" i asked sadly and he nodded slowly. i hugged him and tried not to cry. i hated seeing him like this...
He sat on our couch and i started to rub his back and his arm. We sat there in silent while he tried to calm down a bit. after about 5 minutes i asked:
"Wanna Talk about it? maybe you feel better after."
He looked at me unsure and took a deep breath. then, he started to tell me about his day and how stressed and anoying it was. when he finished, i felt like he calmed down a bit and he wasn't that upset anymore.
I stopped rubbing his back and slipped down his arm because i wanted to hold his hand. but before i reached his hand... i felt something weird on the inside. I turned his hand around and saw them. The scars.
I was shocked, sad, upset and many more feelings in the same time. how could he do that to himself?
"Why?" I whispered while a tear escaped my eye.
He saw what i was looking at and his eyes got cold.
"Niall..." I started but he cut short and said: "do you think it's easy for me? Do you think i can handle all the trouble and stress managemant put us in? do you think i like cutting myself? no! i don't but it takes the stress and pain away." his voice was loud. he almost screamed at me. what did i do wrong?
He stood up and went to our bedroom.
I just sat there, thinking about niall screaming at me.
I cried there for a while. suddenly, i heard a noise from our room. niall opened the door. he had red and puffy eyes and watched me ond the floor crying.
"Omg what did I do?" he whispered to himself and ran over to me. then he huged me tight and ran his fingers through my hair. he knows how to calm me down. we just sit there for about 4 minutes. finally he started to speak.
"Y/N i'm really really sorry i didn't mean to yell at you because i have no reason to do that. you are always there for me and try to cheer me up after those hard days and I'm really thankful for that and i was such an idiot to scream on you. you're everything to me... i'm such a fool. i'm really sorry Y/N i love you so much. please forgive me?"
I looked up into his eyes. i could see the pain in his beautiful blue eyes.
"I... sniff... I will forgive you if you promise to not cut yourself anymore..sniff."
He still held me tight
"I would do everything for you babe. you're my world i'm really sorry and i promise i will stop cutting. i just don't really know how..."
I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. after that i said:
"We will go through this together okay? and everytime you feel like cutting yourself, you will talk to me, so i can help you okay?"
He smiled too.
"I will come to you. thank you so much princess."
I stood up and walked into our room. he watched me a little bit confused. i took a marker and went back. he still looked a bit unsure and I had to giggle because it looked just so cute. i sat down next to him and took his left arm. with my best writing, i wrote "stay strong♥". then i kissed it and looked up to niall.
"Whenever you feel empty or sad or anything bad... just look at this and remember what a beautiful person you are and how much i love you. and then you come to me or call me and i will be there for you. you're not alone babe."
He looked at it and smiled. this made me smile too, i always have to smile when he smiles.
"Thank you Y/N thank you for everything. i promise to always look at it and i will stay strong for you and myself."
A little tear ran down my face and niall had to laugh but he picked me up and spun me around... And from this moment he stopped cutting and never did it again.
Not the best but hope you liked it;)
Thanks for reading:)

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...