The nurse peers at the scanner for a moment. "Congratulations, it's a girl!" she exclaims. Secretely you were hoping it was a girl so this made you over the moon, but you would of loved it either way. "Aw! Now I'm even more excited! When she's older we can party together and talk about boys and I will give her advice" you ramble on, getting carried away. Niall laughs at you and gives you a big bear hug. "I'll be a proud dad to this beautiful girl" he stutters. Your heart drops when he says the word 'dad'. Once again you put on a brave face and smile at him. "So your the dad then?" the nurse inquired. "Well.. no" he says, sounding disappointed all over again. You felt extremely bad for him and reminded yourself this was all of your fault. "Not the biological one but he's this child's dad in my eyes" you say, trying desperately to cheer him up. This makes him alot happier and he puts his arm around your neck, cuddling you. "Okay well we better go and tell the boys!" says Niall, excitedly. "No, lets keep it a secret from them" you decide. He looks confused but agrees to it. On the way home you text Harry saying -
I'm on my way back. I know what the gender is but it's a surprise. Changed my mind sorry babe x
He took a while to reply but eventually you feel your phone vibrate. He replied -
Hazza Bazza:
Sorry I didn't reply quickly. I was making lunch. Your such a tease :( I was desperate to know. See you soon x
You laugh silently and small talk with Niall all the way home. "Are you glad it's a girl love?" he voiced. "Extremely happy!" you reply. The rest of the journey you put your hand on your stomach and imagined what life is going to be with a baby. You had a feeling it was going to be great. When you arrived home you did some cleaning in the house and then went to socialize with the lads. "So.. girl or boy?" Lou asks. "I'm afraid to to say but it's a surprise" you tease. They all groan and try to get the answer out of you but you wouldn't budge. "I'm sick of being stuck in this house. Who wants to come to Adam's party with me?" moans Zayn. All the boys were up for it and went to get ready. "Actually boys, I'm going to stay here. I feel really tired" Harry says, faking a yawn. He winked at you to signal that the real reason he was staying home was to spend time with you. You smiled to yourself. Just as they were about to walk out the door Zayn asked you why you were't coming. "Zayn! In case you forgot.. I'm PREGNANT. I can't drink or go out and party" you sigh. "Oh yeah. Keep forgetting" he chuckles. "That reminds me. I can't drink either so Louis don't try and hand me a beer like you did last time" warns Liam. Louis chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Sorry. I was a bit drunk that then" They all laugh and walk out the door. "Guess it's just me and you" says Harry casually. "Yep" you respond. "Sorry to keep asking you this but I can't help it. Have you decided between me and Niall yet?" he asks. "Yes I have" you mumble.
"I can't break up with Niall. As much as I'm in love with you, he doesn't deserve this. He wasn't the one who created this situation. I'm so sorry and I just want to let you know, if this was about me and I could have it my way, I would choose you. Because I love. More than Niall" you explain. His head drops and his hands go straight to his face to hide his tears. You felt so upset and looking at his innocent face with tears streaming down it, made you sob. "I'm so sorry" you whisper while rocking him. You knew this wasn't fair on Niall to be touching Harry in an intimate way but you couldn't help it. "Just because I'm with Niall, it doesn't mean we will lose what we have now. Don't forget that" You held his face and kissed him gently on the lips. "I understand. I know we can't be together but just as long as we will always secretly be more than friends" he chokes out. He cuddles you until you fall asleep and when you wake up the next morning, he's still asleep with his hands resting your stomach. You look around to see Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis passed out on the floor. They obviously came in very drunk last night and decided to crash on the ground for the night. Today you were going to start buying items for your baby daughter such as a cot, clothes, dummies and other things. Niall was coming with you. You wriggled away from the position Harry was holding you in, being careful not to wake him up and you went to get ready for the day. When you and Niall were finally ready, you set off. The first shop you went into was K-mart which sold lots of cute baby outfits. You bought the smallest one there and you even bought a pair of tiny vans. They were adorable but your daughter couldn't wear them until she was at least a month old. You continued to search in different shops for the basic items. There was sales in most of the shops so it worked out great. When you arrived home you sighed and flopped onto the couch. There was 14 bags full of baby stuff. "I never knew we would need this much!" Niall confessed. You laugh at him and say "Well you need to buy these things if you have a baby Nialler". He tutts but he's just kidding. You spill everything you bought onto the floor to rip off the tags. There was at least 200 items covering the floor. Bibs, dummies, shoes, clothes, outfits, baby shampoo and toys. Niall went back to the car to get the cot and push chair out. He came back with his arms full, struggling. "Want some help?" you volunteer. "No it's ok love" he replys. He puts them down and starts to set the cot up even though there's still 3 months before the baby arrives. It was a very good quality cot and it was stable. You were quite impressed with everything you managed to buy today. The boys were going back on X-factor tomorrow for their first performance and they weren't nervous about it because Simon had put them together as a group already. They felt alot better by the fact they wouldn't have to be on this show as solo performers. As they had gotten through many stages of the show and most importatly, through bootcamp, it was time for them to move into the X-factor house which meant you wouldn't see them for a while. So that you weren't lonely, Eleanor, who you had met the other month, had asked if you wanted to stay at her house until they came back. You loved Eleanor, she was the best out of all of Lou's other girlfriends. Louis and Eleanor had only met about two months ago and they were already the cutest couple you've ever seen. Whilst the boys were on X-factor, Liam also met Danielle who was a dancer on the show and they were dating too. That meant Zayn and Harry were the only single ones now. Anyway, the boys had gone to bed, leaving you the only one up. You were really going to miss them while they were on the show but at least you had one of your good friends, Eleanor to stay with for company. It was getting late and you were tired from a long day of shopping so you let yourself drift off to sleep. You woke early the next morning and the boys had already left. You rubbed your eyes to wake up properly. You let out a big stretch and as you were about to put your arms down, an arm hit a scrunched up piece of paper. You picked it up and it had a little message from all of the boys on it which made you smile. It said -
Didn't want to wake you up because you looked too peaceful. Have a good time while we're away and don't miss me us too much ;) We'll be back before you know it darling. Keep yourself and the baby safe! Love Niall xx
Remember to watch us on tv! See you soon love! From Liam xxx
Have fun with Eleanor, keep her good company and don't miss us too much because we won't miss you. Just kidding babe, talk soon. Love Lou xx
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (Y/N) we love you. Vote for us everyday ;) See you soon. Love Zayn x
I'll miss you alot. We'll be back before you know it though. Make sure you keep safe. Hope the baby doesn't give your back too much pain haha. Text me soon babe. Love Hazza Bazza xx
These messages make your eyes water. Two months without them was too long. By time they come back, it will only be 1 more month until the baby is due. They are going to miss so much throughout your pregnancy. You blink fiercly and try to smile instead. You packed a few bags and texted El to tell her you will be there soon. You grabbed an apple for the journey and closed the front door behind you. It was raining so you sprinted to your car and drove off. Two more months and they'll be back.. you thought to yourself
*skip 2 months*
Today was the day that the boys were getting back from the X-factor. The show was still going to continue for the top 2 but the lads came 3rd so they had to leave the studio. They were upset that they didn't win but as soon as they heard the news that Simon was going to be signing them to Syco it cheered them up. You phoned them up to congratulate them and they sounded very excited to be coming home soon. While you were waiting for them, you were thinking about them being signed. What if they become famous.. that won't be an easy life for your baby, you thought to yourself. Speaking of the baby, it was meant to be due in a month but the nurse said she is expecting it to arrive early. About an hour later you heard cars pulling up on the driveway so you looked out the window and it was the boys. You opened the door and flew outside, jumping into Niall's open arms. "Hello beautiful" he smiles. "NIALLER!" you scream. It felt so good to be with them all again. "Wow! The baby bump is massive now!" Zayn points out. You laugh and nod your head. "Sure is" you say. You give all the boys big hugs and welcomed them home. You had missed Harry so much too and he felt the same way because he kept hugging you. Louis went inside and took a shower. He rushed off to go straight to El's house to see her. The rest of the boys chilled at Liam's house drinking a few beers. This was such a tease to you because you hadn't drunk alcohol for 8 months now. It was hell. You couldn't wait till the baby was born. Everything would be so much easier. The boys were so worn out and they had fallen asleep on the couch's with a movie still playing. You quitely walked to the same room as them and switched off the tv. They all looked so peaceful when they slept. You look at Niall then at Harry and sigh deeply. Suddenly the door bangs loudly and Lou walks in shouting hello to everyone. "Louis shhh! The boys are sleeping" you warn him. He comes into the room to see what your talking about and gives you an apologetic look. "Shit, sorry" he says. He moves closer towards you and whispers, "Listen um (Y/N) have you told Niall and Harry about the baby yet?" he asks. This was the question you had been dreading most. "No.. I can't. I just can't Louis" you admit. He knew this was hard for you so he comforted you. Louis went upstairs and slept in his own bed because he said the couch wouldn't be as comfy. "Goodnight" you whispered as he walked up the stairs. "Night love" he replied. For the next hour you were scrolling through pictures on your phone. Pictures of you and Harry. Looking at them made you remember all of the memories you shared with Harry before your feelings turned stronger for him. It was getting late so you decided to sleep on the spare couch next to the boys. You drifted off to sleep quite easily but woke up to an excruciating pain in your stomach. You groaned and looked at the clock which said 2:04am. That's when water started rushing down your legs. Your waters have broke..
-Muskaan xx

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...