Pull the plug Niall. Just do it." I whispered barely being able to speak. My voice a mere whisper as I lay quivering on the hospital bed, hooked up to a machine keeping me alive. "I can live in this pain Niall please." I begged, my heart wrenching in pain. "Y/n...I can't. you have to fight!" he pleaded. "You won't even fulfill my last wish horan?" I joked even though the pain was eating me away. "Fuck y/n I WILL NOT HAVE YOU GIVE UP!" he yelled at me making me flinch. "Niall...you have to stop this, let go. I can't bear the pain...please..." I tried speaking gasping for breath. "Damn it! Stop speaking!" he exclaimed angrily. "No...no..I can't." I took in a deep breath. "Mr horan ...we have to take her off the machine. She signed the papers saying we should. We have to honor her last wishes." said a nurse standing behind him. "Screw the papers! She will not give up! She'll survive." he said adamantly. I could see the pain tearing him apart like a knife through his heart. "Niall stop it." I said softly. "I can't." he said as he cried, his head resting on me. I mustered all my strength to lift my hand running it through his hair. "Shhhh...it's okay. You'll be okay." I whispered. "Don't do this please. Don't go away from me." he begged. "I love you Niall." I smiled as I nodded to the nurse to pull the plug.
Nialls pov
I held on to her , hearing her heart beat against her chest as it gradually drifted away. I looked up to see a look of peace on her face. My walls came crashing down , the tears I had stopped came pouring out. My heart clenched , my lip quivered as I let out a blood curling cry. I missed her, I needed her, she was gone.IM CRYING!!! Did any off you cry or is it just me?!
-Muskaan xx

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...