"WHAT!?" Louis repeats. Zayn and Liam just stand there gawping in shock. "I will explain if you promise not to yell again because you are going to wake the boys and then they will want to know whats going on!" you hiss. "Well I think they should know!" Louis responds. "Okay, fine I won't yell but please tel me what the hell this is about" he says. "At the party we had here, I got extremely drunk and Harry was the first person I bumped too. I was so drunk that I thought it was Niall at first. Anyway, he was drunk too and we didn't know what we were doing! We just went upstairs and well yeah.. you know what happened then" you say, avoiding that part of the sotry. You continue on with your explanation. "The next morning I woke up and I remembered that we didn't use protection and I tried to find the-morning-after pills but there were none. I looked everywhere but then I found the pregnancy test so I used it and it came up postitive" you gamble out in a rush. The three boys look at you but they couldn't really get mad at you because even they knew this was just a massive mistake. They knew that you didn't plan to get pregnant. They actually understood the fact that in reality, things like this do happen when people are drunk. Instead of them getting mad at you, Louis hugged you. Zayn and Liam swapped looks with each other, wondering what to say or do next. "Boys, I am begging you. Please DO NOT tell Harry or Niall. Niall will be crushed and as for Harry, well I don't want him to find out that he's the dad" Zayn and Liam gasp. "You can't just hide something like this from them both!" says Zayn. "Well we're going to have to. She has a point. She will tell them when she feels like the time is right. Right (Y/N)?" comforts Louis. Liam nods his head in agreement. "Yes. Besides, it's not our business. It's Niall's, Harry's and (Y/N)'s" he says. Zayn lets out a loud sigh but finally agrees to keep his mouth closed. You feel so relieved and you knew you could trust them. "Well come on boys" says Liam. "Lets get ready, we have to be at the auditions soon". They all run back up the stairs to wake Niall and Harry and to get themselves ready. About 30 minutes later you and the boys are sitting in Liam's car, on the way to the X-factor studio. When you arrive, you see that there's a massive queue so you patienty line up with the boys and wait for their turn to cross their names off the list at the front. The line moved pretty fast and after several minutes you were at the front with them. "Name?" asks the man with the list. "Liam Payne" says Liam. He walks to the entrance door after his name was crossed off and the other boys had to go through the same process. Finally you found yourself sitting in a chair somewhere in the crowd. Harry was on first. You saw him appear on the stage and the judges welcomed him. He sang his song brilliantly and he got 2 yes's. Next was Nialler. He sounded a bit nervous while he was singing but it was still fantastic because the judges liked him. The rest of the boys performed and did great and you were so proud of them. They all got through! After a long day at the studio you came home to celebrate. It wasn't a party or anything, just a small diinner. Harry got out a few beers for the lads and you picked one up without thinking. "(Y/N) that's not really good for the baby" Niall reminds you, kissing you on the forehead. "Woops, I forgot" you blush. The rest of the night was fun. It was an opportunity for you to relax, destress and spend time with 5 of your best friends. It was getting late and tomorrow was your first pregnancy scan which you were going to with Niall, so you went to sleep.
The next morning you wake up to your alarm clock. You groan as you see how early it is and gently lift Niall's arm off of you so you could get out of bed. He looked so peaceful when he slept and you didn't want to wake him just yet. It was time to go downstairs to get some clean clothes from the laundry. You feel someone softly tug on your ponytail. You turn around and see Harry and you smiled at him. "Morning" you say cheerfully. "Goodmorning gorgeous" he beams back. "What do you have planned for today?" he asks. "I'm going to my first pregnancy scan with Niall" you respond. Just for a second there's a look of pain in his eyes. It was because he desperately wished the baby was his. Little did he know that it actually was though. He quickly smiled to cover up his sadness. "Sounds fun! Text me later to tell me how it goes" he says while walking off to get changed. "Sure" you call back. You grab your clothes and go upstairs to get changed. You open the bedroom door and Niall is awake now, on his phone. "Morning beautiful" he smiles. "Your up you lazy bum" you say, giggling. You lay down next to him and he puts his hand on your belly. "Hello little one" he whispers in his adorable accent. Guilt rushed through your body but you were determined not to let it get to you today. You smiled at him, pretending everything was fine. "I'll love you like my own" he says while touching your stomach. "Aw Nialler" you cooed. It was so hard to lie to him like this. You got up from the bed and got changed while Niall showered. Eventually, when you were both ready you got into your car and drove to the pregnancy scanner place. On the way there you texted Haz saying -
On my way now. Desperate to know if it's a boy or girl! x"
He texted back straight away saying -
Hazza Bazza:
Exciting! Text me as soon as you know love xx
You smiled to yourself while Niall continued to drive. "Who were you texting?" he asks, curiously. "It was just my grandma asking me how I was" you reply. It wasn't a long drive and you finally arrived. You waited in the waiting room with Niall and after about 10 minutes your name got called out. It was your turn and you were feeling a mixture of emotions. Happiness, nervous, guilt and sad that the real father couldn't be here. The nurse lead you into a room and Niall followed close behind. "Would you mind lying down here please" she says. You nod your head and lay on seat which she highered once you were on it. She rubbed this cold jelly crystally looking stuff onto your stomach. It's something they had to use to make the vision of the baby clearer or something. You winced at how cold it was. "Sorry! Has to be done though" the nurse apologises. Many minutes later she got the scanner out. Even though you were only nearly 2 months pregnant, you could start to work out where the baby's eyes were already. You gasped and got really excited. This baby might of not been planned but you already felt attatched to it. "Wow it seems like we can already tell it's gender! Do you want to know?" encouraged the nurse. You bit your lip, feeling nervous and got butterflies from excitement. You nod your head. Niall waits curiously for the answer.

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...