" More coffee sweetheart?" the old lady who owned the place asked. She was a sweet lady, around 60 years, quite short and with a sweet smile who made you feel like home.
" Yes please Mrs. Granger" you smiled and she filled your cup with the hot coffee. You sat on a cafe, not far away from you home, in the middle of the night and drank coffee. Wired? Yeah maybe for some but not for you, since the accident it was hard for you to sleep. So one night you had took your car and drove around in your neighborhood, it was then you found this cozy little cafe. Since that night, around two weeks ago, you were here on the cafe almost every night. The had the best coffee and the the most delicious waffles. You sat there on the cafe from midnight to 3am, reading a book or chatting with Mrs. Granger when she had time, which was quite often since it didn't was so many people on the cafe late at night, usually just you and around five people. Either they was on their way somewhere or they had like you, sleep problems.
This night it was actually more people than usually so Mrs. Granger had a lot of work to do, so you took out your book and started to read. It was quite funny actually because the book you read was Harry Potter, the third one, and Mrs. Granger has the same name as Hermione. It was that way you knew Mrs. Grangers name, she told you that when she saw the book.
You love the book, you could read it over and over again and never get tired of it. Right now you were at the part when they had travled back in the time, and right when they was about to release Buckbeak you saw in the corner of your eyes who someone sat down infront of you.
" Excuse me love, can i sit here?" a irish accent woke you up from the book. You looked up and saw a boy in a green snapback, a smile playing on his lips, his blue eyes looking at you. With his dirty blond hair that stuck out under the snapback, sea blue eyes, his lips in a sexy smile, a white t-shirt that showed his muscles and with a hoodie over you had just one word for him. Hot. A smirk played on his lips when he saw that you checked him out.
" Ehm yeah sure" you smiled at him, a blush crept up on your cheeks. Strange you never blush.
" So what name can a beautiful girl like you have?" you rolled your eyes, but a smile played on your lips. It always nice when a hot guy call you beautiful right?
" (y/n)" you smiled" yours then?" it was actually quite unnecessary to ask since you already knew who he was. He was the famous Niall Horan from the band One Direction. But you thought it was nicer to ask him, and it must be quite annoying to go everywhere and everyone knows your name. Plus you wanted to see his reaction.
" I'm Niall" he smiled even bigger now, and you saw him relax a little. " So (y/n) what brings you here in the middle of the night?"
" I couldn't sleep. Plus they have the best coffee and waffles here, you should try them!" you pointed at your empty plate. He chuckled and nodded.
" Maybe i should, i'm starving!" he searched after Mrs. Granger, waved to her and just a few seconds later she was there.
" hello there sweetheart, what can i help you with?" she smiled warmly at Niall who told her about the coffee and waffles.
" So what brings you here Niall?" you asked as he took a bit of the waffles.
" I was at a friends house, and then i decided to eat something. And when i saw you i decided to join you" he said between his bites " this waffles is so damn good!" you chuckled at him, he looked really cute.
" Told you!" he chuckled before he continued with his food.
You sat there and talked for hours. Niall was a really easy boy to talk with, carefree. He told you the things that came up in his head, made you laugh with his imitations of people, or of just being himself. He was a sweet, kind, funny, handsome boy with an amazing laugh. You really liked him, it felt like you could be yourself with him. You hadn't met someone who could make you laugh so much, not even your friends. Or someone who you felt so comfortable with in such a short time. For the first time, you felt like yourself again.
" Love, are you okey?" Nialls voice woke you up from your thoughts, his eyes looked at you with a worried look.
" Yeah sorry, I spaced out" you chuckled a little and he relaxed.
" Puuh i thought a had done something, you looked at me like i was a freak or something" you laughed at his words and he joined you. You sat there, laughing until you got tears in your eyes and you stomach started to hurt of all the laughing. It felt so good to laugh with him, he seemed to be as crazy as you.
You glanced at the clock, 2.53 am. Usually you would be on your way home now, thanking Mrs. Granger and go home to your bed. But you didn't want to go home tonight, you didn't want to say good bye to the boy infront of you.
" Are you in a hurry somewhere?" he asked, his eyes following your glance.
" No, not at all. Why?" you looked at him again, saw the sweet smile on his lips.
" Great, because then we can go for a walk?" you nodded in agrement and you both stood up from your chairs. You hugged Mrs. Granger good bye, Niall gave her a kiss on her cheek and thanked for the waffles. She just laughed and told you to go and have some fun.
When you came out on the street it was silent, you could see the stars up on the sky and moon that shined bright. You walked in silent beside each other, both deep in they own thoughts. You could hear the waves clucking against the shore, it sounded beautiful. Then you got an idea.
" Come on!" you grabbed Niall hand and dragged him with you. You started to running, laughing as you hair blowing in the wind. You could hear Nialls laugh behind you. Him asking where you was going but you didn't answered him, you just laughed. Your hand was still in his, a tingling feeling there his hand touched yours.
Nialls pow:
She was beautiful. Since the first time I laid my eyes on her, I knew I had to get to know her. Not just because she was beautiful, no it was the way she wrinkled her nose when she read the book she held in her hand, the way she twirled her long red hair around her finger, her little smile, they way her eyes shined. But also the fact that she didn't look honest happy, because when she looked away from the book the shine in her eyes disappeared and the little smile of hers become a straight line. I wanted to see that smile and her shining eyes all the time, and I wanted to be the reason for it. And now a few hours later I saw it over and over again and i just wanted more. I didn't wanted to say good bye to her, not yet. So I asked her to take a walk with me and now we was running. I saw her red hair blowing in the wind, her laugh filled the air. She was beautiful, not just her body, her personality was beautiful. She was a little bit crazy, like now when she ran away, but i liked crazy. Normal was boring.
Her hand was still in my, fitted in perfectly. I felt this tingling feeling where her skin touched my, a feeling i never had felt before, but it was a good feeling.
I hadn't noticed that she had stopped so i run straight into her back, made us both fall to the soft sand. She started to laugh again and i joined her. Her head was on my chest, her hand still in my. For me, it felt perfect.
Your pov:
You felt his laugh as you head laid on his chest. It was nice, nice to feel him so close to you. The idea of running to the beach had came from nowhere and you didn't know what to do now. Your laugh slowly died and the silent took over. You usually didn't like the silent, always when you where home you had loud music to fill the silent. But now here with Niall it was nice. The only thing you could here was the waves and his heartbeats.
" Lets go for a swim" you said earned a chuckle from him.
" Are you serious? isn't it a bit cold?" you felt his chest vibrate when he talked.
" Are you a chicken?" he laughed, his hand played with your hair.
" Of course not, i can do anything! You know that huh?" this time you laughed and shook your head, yeah right anything.
He moved your head from his chest and in a second he stood up, held out his hand to you. You took it and he dragged you up on your feet. Then he took of his hoodie and his with t-shirt, before you know it he was only in his boxers. Since you wasn't the shy one, you stripped down to your underwear too. He gave you a smirk before he run to the water, you chasing him.
The water was freezing, you thought it would be warmer since it was summer. Niall had ran all the way out so he was now with water up the his chest, but you was still at the edge of the cold water.
" Hey (y/n)! Who's the chicken now huh?" he yelled.
" Shut up!" you yelled back, earned laugher from him. You took one deep breath before you ran out into the water, dived fast into the cold water before running up again. You body shivered as you tried to get dry again. Niall came back from the water, his whole body shivered.
You put on your clothes fast again before you laid down on the sand. Your head was on his chest again, his fingers played with your hair. You still shivered so Niall gave you his hoodie so you didn't get a cold. He was so sweet.
" Truth or truth?" he suddenly asked.
" Truth"
" Do you know who i'm?" he question surprised you a bit, but you understand it.
" Yes i know who you are Niall Horan from the famous band One Direction" he let out a litte "Oh" before the silent laid over you again.
" Why did you came up to me earlier?" you asked the question who had been on your mind all night.
" I don't know actually. First it was because you was so beautiful, but then i saw that you had like an sad aura around you. Like you couldn't be happy except when you read, so i wanted to make you happy" his answered made it's way right into your heart, you didn't know what to say. He was the first who saw that you was sad, the first who cared about it.
" Thanks" it was just a whispering but you knew he had heard it. His fingers intertwined yours, his thumb made circles on your hand. It felt perfect, everything with Niall felt perfect, like he was the piece that had been missing for so long.
" (y/n) do you believe in love at first sight?" he words was just a whispering, like he was afried with your answer. And the be honest, you was it too.
" Until today I didn't, but know i'm not so sure anymore" you whispered. He didn't say anything, just laid there in silent. You was dying to know what he was thinking about, so you turned around thinking that if you could see him, you may understand what he was thinking. His eyes met yours, more blue than ever.
" Do you?" you whispered, your lips just inches away from his. So close that you could feel his breath.
" Until today I didn't, but I'm sure i do know" his hand made it's way to your neck, pulling your head closer to him so it was now almost no space between you.
" You made me believe it" you felt his lips on yours, they tasted sweet from the waffles. His lips was gently, yet filled with passion. Your lips moved together as one, like they was made for each other. Niall was the piece that was missing. He was the one who made your life feel whole again. He was the one. It was weird because you had just known him for like five hours, still you knew, you whole body knew that Niall was the one.
" You made me believe it too" you whispered against his lips, kissing his sweet lips again.Hey guys :)
Thope you liked it :)
I'm like super useless at coming up with names for my imagines so please comment some titles for this imagine :)
Also please remember to keep voting and share :) that would be great :)
Thanks for reading :)
-Muskaan xx ♥♥

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...