Niall has been on tour for what now seems like forever! But you are so excited because he is coming home tonight! And you have booked reservations at Nando's for you and him as not only is he coming home, it's your One Year Anniversary coming up in a few days!
It's now Six O'clock and he will be back in an hour! You run upstairs to make yourself look pretty for when he comes home!
Now it's Seven O'clock! He will be back any minute!!! You sit on the sofa and wait for him...
After two hours of waiting, you begin to get fed up. Your tired, you've missed your reservation time and your really lonely! You head up to bed and cry yourself to sleep.
BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!! Your alarm clock suddenly wakes you up! As you slowly start to properly wake up you remember what happened... You sort of expected to see him lying next to you but he isn't their... You have work today though, so you slowly strop downstairs and get some breakfast. You switch on the T.V, trying to lighten your spirits.
"BREAKING NEWS!! NIALL HORAN SPOTTED KISSING ANOTHER GIRL?! IS HE REALLY CHEATING ON (Y/N)?!" Blared the T.V! Suddenly, a picture of your gorgeous boyfriend kissing a random girl popped up on the screen. You burst into floods of tears. How could he do this to you? You have been going out for nearly a year now and his is how he acts?! You call into work and say that your ill. You really don't feel up to doing anything today apart from cry!
You don't know what to do with yourself. Your lonely, sad, angry and worst of all, you feel betrayed. After crying non stop for ages, you realise that feeling sorry for yourself won't do anything! If he doesn't appreciate you then why stick around to get treated this way?! You rush upstairs and get dressed, then you start to pack your bags with all your things. As you finish clearing out your side of the wardrobe you notice a shoe box with some writing on it tucked underneath some of his socks. You pull it out gently. It says 'My Beautiful Princess' you sigh to yourself, knowing those days were over! You opened it and it was filled with pictures of you, Love Letters from you, Poems about you... It broke your heart to see all these things. But you kept your head up and mumbled to yourself: "That was then... He doesn't love me like that anymore."
You threw the box to the ground, the contents of it spilling across the carpet. You picked up your bags and ran downstairs to the kitchen and left him a note that said:
To Niall,
I saw you on the news. Why would you do something like that to me? I really thought you loved me! But obviously not! Do you know how much I missed you when you went on tour?! But who cares I guess! Our one year anniversary is coming up soon! But does that make me old news? I GUESS SO!
I wish you all the best with your new 'girlfriend'.
Love From (Y/N).
Sobbing you ran outside and called your best friend to pick you up. She was their in the next few minutes. Just as you were getting in the car, you saw Niall pull up in the drive with flowers! He saw you crying and getting into the car and leapt out of his car to come and get you but you had already gone...
You decided to stay the night at your best friends house and the next day she was trying to cheer you up but nothing would work... She turned on the Radio to see if the Official Music Charts were on yet as she new how much you loved to listen to it!
"And now an interview with One Direction!" Said the man on the Radio. You listened as the boys all said Hello cheerfully! But when it was Niall's turn he said it very quietly and sounded as if he was trying to hold back from crying...
"Oh, I'm sorry I'll turn it off!" She said trying not to make you cry again!
"No, leave it..." You whispered, unable to speak properly.
Just then the interviewer started speaking again, seeming not even noticing that Niall was crying! "We hear you have a new girlfriend Niall! So what's her name?"
You friend leant for the OFF button, she new how much I hurt you to hear this! But she new not to. A tear ran down your cheek...
You pricked your head up, is this really true? You listened on...
"Harry, is this true?" Questioned the Interviewer.
"Yeah, some girls ran up to us and went really fan girl crazy! Then the paparazzi showed up and took lodes of pictures! It's totally out of context!" Harry said defending Niall.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Niall! (Y/N) can't have reacted well to that!" Laughed the Interviewer!
"Why would you say that?" Liam sighed.
"NO! YOUR RIGHT, (Y/N) DID NOT REACT WELL! SHE SAW IT ON THE NEWS! SHE NOW THINKS I AM CHEATING ON HER!" He said beginning to cry. "But I'm not. I love (Y/N). She is my world, life is hardly worth living without her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her."
"Well just tell her that when you get home!" Said the Interviewer now trying to be more sympathetic this time.
"I CAN'T!" He sobbed! "She has gone. Just as I was coming home, she left with her friend sobbing. She left me a note..."
After hearing all this you are crying your eyes out. You don't know what to think...
"If it's not too painful Ni, why don't you read it out?" Comforted Louis.
Niall read out the note. Now your friend was crying as well. But you didn't know whether you were crying with happiness or sadness.
"(Y/N) if your out there, listening to this. Please forgive me. None of the gossip you have heard is true! And please, if you still love me. Come to Harry's house tonight." Niall whimpered.
He began sobbing. And the interviewer played a random song.
Over the music the Interveiwer ended the interview and carried on with the song.
You friend turned of the radio, amazed with what had happend..
"Go on then. GET READY!" Your friend yelled!
You legged it upstairs to get ready and later that night your friend dropped you off at Harry's house. You saw rose petals leading to the front door. The door was open slightly so you walked in. Candles lit the corridor and at the end of the corridor was Niall. Holding a rose out to you. You ran towards him and jumped into his arms.
"You didn't think I would miss our One Year Anniversary did you? I love you (Y/N)!" Niall whispers in your ear.
"I love you too!" You say clinging to his chest.OMG ANYONE NEED TISSUES?!?! I perosnally thought thats was super cute!!
comment belwo and tell m what you thought!!
-Muskaan :) xx

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...