Dedicated to Bailey362
Baileys P.O.V
"Oh come on Sam! You always do this! It isn't right!" I shouted at my younger brother(Sam).I furiously ended the call. We were arguing about the way he treats his girlfriend, Chlöe(kloo-ee). He treats her as if she's a doll. One day he's all over her, and then he ignores her to- my thoughts were interrupted by my boyfriend Niall walking into the room. "Hey Pepsi," he calls me that because I walked in on him changing out of his sweaty shirt. I couldn't move or speak, so I stared at him. Completely red in the face, I looked like a carbonated beverage about to explode. And because of that incident, he calls me Fanta or Coke(and many more).1 Hour later...
Niall has organised a brother- sister day under his supervision. I don't want to do it, but I want my baby to be happy. Niall and I climb into bed and I drift off into a dreamless sleep...
The Next Day...
Sams P.O.V
Today is the day that me and my sister are supposed to go without arguing. Currently we are in town/at the mall, Niall has gone to buy some pretzels, so that leaves me and Bailey.Baileys P.O.V
" Bailey! Bailey! Where are you? " My older brother Oscar shouted. I feel so bad for tricking Sam into giving me the Advil, but it had to be done. Life... I don't get the meaning of it. I hate it. My twin sister died 2 days ago and I'm not coping well. I feel like I've lost half of me. I want to be with her... I slowly bring 27 pills to my mouth, with water obviously. " I'm coming Phoenix." I whispered and swallowed the pills. Darkness overcame me.End of flashback
"Bailey? Earth to Bailey!" Sam shouted quietly. I just glared at him. "Will you shut up!" I scolded. Sam smirked and walked off. "What on earth is your problem?" I asked him. "As far as I'm concerned, you were the one that went to rehab, so... I have no problems." He replied, not really makong sense, but I knew what he meant. "What is that supposed to mean?" I replied. " I'm saying that I don't trick my little brother into getting pills. I don't keep my feelings bottled up inside. I don't cut my wrists just because my sister died. Bai-" "Enough!" I shouted. " I don't cut because my sister died. I cut because my twin sister died. She was the other half of me. I feel like a puzzle with missing pieces. I had a reason to keep my feelings inside. I didn't want help." I whispered. " I'm sorry." He sighed. " What was that?" I asked in disbelief. "I'm sorry that your sister died. I'm sorry that you became a complete stranger for 2 years. I'm sorry that you became number 1 priority of-" "Shut up Sam!" I screamed. I regretted that because I got him really angry. Sam started to yell incoherent words at me. When I put my hand up to slap him, Niall walked up to me and put my hand down. " Guys, don't fight. You're siblings. Yes, they fight, but not as much as you do." He said. I scoffed and Sam walked away. I honestly wasn't bothered to chase him.Sams P.O.V
I got into my car and sped off. My phone buzzed, indicating that I had a message. I knew I wasn't supposed to, but I quickly got my phone. It was a text from Chlöe.To: Sam Heroine
From: Chlöe Kamalowe
'Hey baby. Wanna come over?'I didn't bother to reply, I mean, I'll crash my car.
Spoke too soon.
As soon as I looked up, my car was on the other lane. I grabbed the steering wheel, trying to move the car into the right lane. I lost control of the wheel and my car collided with a tree. I was squashed in between my seat and the front of my car. "I'm sorry Bailey..." I whispered, and then darkness was the only thing that I could see...
4 hours later...
Baileys P.O.V"Disabled. Disabled. DISABLED!" I shouted. My little brother might be disabled. I collapsed into Niall's arms. I cried.
I cried.
I cried.
I don't know how long I cried for because I passed out.
"Hi Bailey." A nurse said? Why am- never mind. " Just to let you know, your baby is fine." She spoke again. "I don't have a baby though." I stated finally. "Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your child." She smiled. I didn't want to do this but I had to. "I would like an abortion." "Are you sure, sweetie?" She asked. "Yes. I am." I sadly said. "Alright then, I'll go and tell your boyfriend." "No. He doesn't need to know." I said. "Ok. I have scheduled an appointment for next Saturday. Good luck." She replied.
To be honest, I wouldn't like to have a child knowing that Phoenix and Sam won't be able to play with or see them.
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Hi, I'm Tilly, and I am hoping to be Muskaan's Co - author. If you would like to follow me then my username is @1dsuperfan1

Niall Imagines
FanfictionHey my angels!! This is our first completed book of Niall imagines, we have started another both which is in continuation of this!! (The link will be listed below). We do take requests for both personal imagines and plot requests/ideas so feel fre...