Humiliated and Insulted

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*YOUR POV* The boys had just gotten home from their tour a few days ago and tonight we were all having a celebration dinner at Niall and I's place. Niall had been acting differently ever since he got home... hes been distant from me and its starting to get me worried.

Harry and I were in the kitchen working on dinner while all the other boys were in the living room watching football (soccer). Harry has been my bestfriend since i was a baby, he introduced me to the guys about 2 years ago and I instantly fell for Niall and Harry was always trying to set us up and now we are together and i couldnt be happier. I smiled just at the thought of him. But then my mind wondered back to how he has been acting lately and a frowned formed on my face.

"Whats wrong Y/N? You seem down" Harry said looking over at me from where he was cutting the vegetables.

"Oh nothing" i said trying to play it off.

"Y/N i know you. Now tell me whats wrong" Harry put his knife down and walked over to me putting a hand on my back and i sighed.

"Its just that Niall has been acting weird lately. Hes been distant and I dont know why. Haz what do i do?." I said in frustartion. Harry pulled me into his arms and I layed my head on his chest.

"Dont worry Y/N im sure hes just stressed. I mean we just finished a tour and nowmanagement are demanding that we write another single and the paps just wont leave us alone, I'm sure he will be back to normal in no time" Harry said rubbing my back to comfort me.

"Well we better tell the boys that dinners ready" i said pulling away from the hug. Harry and I set everything up on the table and told the boys. All of them came running in and took as seat. I took my usual seat next to Niall.

"Hey Haz wanna swap spots?" Niall said to Harry. Ow. That hurt. I looked at Harry and it was giving Niall a glare then he looked over at me and gave me sad look. I just looked down at my hands.

"Hey Y/N this food is great!" Liam said smiling at me.

"Thanks Li" I smiled back. I decided to finally eat. I havent eaten all day because i had spent most of my time preparing both dinner and dessert. So i piled a quiet a bit of food on too my plate, my hunger getting the best of me.

"Woah Y/N you seem hungry" Harry said just as a joke. I laughed in return.

"Yeah Y/N how come your so hungry?" Zayn asked. I was about to tell them that i hadnt eaten all day when Niall cut in.

"Cause shes a fat cow thats why. Shes constantly eating all ths food in the fridge it drives me nuts" Niall says stabbing at his food. Ouch. That hurt. Niall knew that i used to have problem with my weight and he knew that the fans constantly call me fat and the fact he said that felt like someone had just knocked the wind out of me.

"Or maybe its cause i havent eaten all day you prick" i pushed my plate away not having eaten anything still and march upstairs into our shared room slamming the door behind me.

At first i was angry but now im just sad. My eyes filled with tears and i was sobbing within seconds.

"Niall what the fuck dude!" Liam said giving me an angry glare.

"Why would you say that to her! She is anything but fat!" Harry said throwing a bread roll at me.

"Ow!" I said rubbing my head. Thats when it hit me (get it ;) ) that i had no right to say that to Y/N, i had just been so stressed and i had no right to take it out on her.

"Go say sorry!" Louis said handing me her plate of food. All the boys looked at me and pointed to the stairs glaring at me. I walked upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door.

"GO AWAY!" Y/N screams letting discarded sobs fall from her lips. I opened the door to see her curled up crying into her pillow. You really fucked up this time Horan.

"Your food is gonna get cold" i said placing the plate on the bedside table and sitting next to her on the bed.

"Im not hungry" Y/N sobbed. Her stomach growled and she tried to pretend i never heard it.

"Y/N i heard your stomach grumble, i know you're hungry, please eat babe" i said placing and hand on her shoulder. She shrugged my hand off.

"Why do you care I'm just some fat cow, you said so yourself" she said turning away. I grabbed her by the waist making her sit up and held her as she cried into my chest.

"No baby i didnt mean it. I am so sorry. I have just been so stressed lately and i guess i took it out on you. I am so sorry for making you feel this way princess. I love how you eat as much as I do without gaining a pound. And even if you 300+ pounds i would still love just the way you are" i said kissing the top of her head.

"Mean it?" She looked up at me snifling.

"Of course i do princess. I am so sorry that i was a prick downstairs and that i have been kinda distant lately. Please forgive me?" I said looking into her eyes.

"I forgive you Ni" Y/N said. I we both smiled and kisses her sweetly.

"Now why dont we finish dinner up here then tell the lads they can go home so we can watch a movie and have some quality couple time?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"But all the dessert i made, i dont want it to go to waste" she said worridly.

"Dont worry princess, when you live with me no food goes to waste" i winked and she giggled.

*YOUR POV* After Niall and I finished our food and got all the boys to leave i picked the movie 'Grease' knowing it was his favorite and we spent the rest of the night cuddled on the couch devouring all different kinds of desserts.

"Thankyou for forgiving me, i will make it up to you i promise" Niall says kissing me on my nose.

"I love you Ni" i said looking into those gorgeous sea blue eyes.

"I love you too princess" we kissed and kept saying those 3 words to eachother over and over again.


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