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josh's point of view

after tyler left, adam texted me asking if he could come over. of course, i said yes, and he arrived not long after. we've just been watching tv and talking since.

"so, what did mr. basketball want when he offered you a ride?" he asks, nudging me with his elbow.

"to hang out." i shrug, not wanting to give him anything else.

i don't really know why, but i feel... protective over tyler. i feel like the time we spend together is for us and us alone. i feel like maybe he does need me after all. i know he's struggling, and that's not my business to share with anyone.

"come on, was it something dumb?" he pushes. "does he need tutoring for summer school or some shit?"

"dude, look, we were friends before. he's going through some kinda fucked up shit. he was there for me when i needed him and i want to be there for him now."

if i wanted to be mean, i could've pointed out that i know for a fact tyler got a higher score than adam on his act... but that's neither here nor there.

"what? he has so many other friends. he hasn't been there for you for the past three years." adam rolls his eyes and then pokes my shoulder. "i have though. ya gonna ditch me for that guy?"

"our moms go way back. they've been hanging out, so tyler and i have too. it's not that big of a deal. and i'm still hanging out with you too, aren't i?"

"yeah, man. whatever. i think i'm gonna go. i'll talk to you later." he stands up and then shakes his head and walks out, shutting my door behind him. i vaguely hear him say goodbye to my mom on his way out.

i stand up and walk over to my window, looking out to tyler's. his blinds lower suddenly to be closed all the way, which is strange. he normally leaves them open at least a little. and even if he didn't, why did they close the second mine opened? was he... looking in here...?

i sit at my desk and fish my phone out of my pocket to text him.

josh: hey tyler

tyler: hey

josh: were u just... spying on me

tyler: no..? why would i do that lol

josh: idk, why would you?

tyler: i wouldn't and i wasn't

josh: sure...

tyler: so anyway do you wanna hang out

josh: ...

josh: alright


tyler makes a shot and then catches the ball, tossing it back to me. "your turn."

"i hate this game. you have an unfair advantage."

"go on, h-o-r."

"did you just call me a whore?"

"inadvertently, yes." he smiles a little, shrugging. "if the horseshoe fits."

of course, i miss the shot and an s is added to my score. i'm not sure why i agreed to play horse with a basketball player, but i guess we didn't have much else to do.

"whatever." i toss the ball back to him, deciding to bring up the window situation again. "you were totally spying on me earlier."

"i was bored, okay?" he admits sheepishly, missing his own shot this time and just letting the ball roll away.

"so, why didn't you just text me and ask to hang out before?" i raise one of my brows and watch as he takes a seat on the ground, his back leaning against his house.

"you had company. i didn't want to interrupt." he looks smaller now, his knees pulled up to his chest and his eyes squinting from the sun as he looks up at me.

i go to sit down next to him. "so what if i had company?"

"i didn't think you'd want me there," he says, now looking out at the yard and anywhere but at me. he's rubbing the inside of his left wrist with his right thumb.

"why not?" i question.

"i dunno," he mumbles.

"hm." i pause and take one of his hands away, keeping it in mine for just a moment before putting it down on the concrete below us to stop the movement. "i would've. adam might not have. i think he's jealous that we're hanging out, not that i care."

"what?" his head snaps over to look at me at that. "why?"

"i dont know. do your basketball friends not wonder why you haven't hung out with them more? i mean, i know we went to that party." i pause when i see him blush a little. i clear my throat. "but have they not like... asked you to hang out with them?"



maybe he needs me more than i thought.

(an: there's a chapter coming up soon that im so excited for omg)

summer child // joshler Where stories live. Discover now