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josh's point of view

school continues to fly by. it's already tyler's first game day of the season. my mom, kelly, and i are all on our way to the school to watch him play like he wanted. i feel a bit nervous about it, that he might change his mind and get freaked out when he sees me or something.

when we arrive, we go inside and find a spot within the bleachers. i pull out my phone and decide to text tyler.

josh: we're here !

tyler: you came?

josh: duh, i said i would

tyler: i love you j :,)

josh: i love you too ty <3

tyler: did you come to any of the games last year or is this your first

josh: nope, youre taking my high school basketball game virginity

tyler: and your regular virginity ;)

josh: i am literally sitting between both of our moms. pls.

josh: plus lets not forget it was also your first time 🤨

josh: and who finished first huh?

tyler: that's not fair you did stuff to me beforehand so i was already worked up >:(

josh: ¯\_()_/¯

josh: you complaining?

tyler: shut up

tyler: ...no

tyler: i have to go

tyler: watch me win, yeah?

josh: i won't look away, baby

tyler: good.

a few minutes after his last text, tyler and the rest of the team run out onto the court.

i keep my eyes glued to him, just as i said i would. he looks good in his uniform, his tanktop loose around his frame. when the game begins, a huge grin is plastered across my face. watching him do something he really enjoys, something that he's passionate about is a nice change from watching him get lost up in his thoughts as he often does.

i didn't realize how good he was at real basketball either. he's actually really fucking good. he scores multiple times and even makes the winning shot right at the buzzer. the crowd erupts into cheers and applause and when i see tyler sweaty and red-faced, a huge smile on his lips, i all but melt into a puddle. he looks incredibly attractive but also so adorable and i can't tell if i want to hug him or push him up against a wall and kiss him until i can't breathe.

when tyler and i finally make eye contact, his smile widens and i am somehow even more in love with him.

the three of us make our way down the bleachers and tyler meets us there, his mom immediately pulling him into a hug.

"tyler, that was amazing! i'm so proud of you." she beams at him.

"thanks, mom." he kisses her cheek and then turns to me, hugging me tightly.

"you did great, ty." i speak just low enough for him to hear and hug him back, fighting the urge to kiss him here in front of everyone.

"thanks for coming. i'm sorry i'm so sweaty," he says, still smiling. "i'm gonna go get changed, okay?"

"why don't we all go to dinner after to celebrate? my treat!" my mom chips in.

"sounds good. i'll be back, you guys stay here." tyler waves as he jogs off to the locker rooms.


we end up eating dinner at a new restaurant close to the school. it's a pretty uneventful outing, but that's kind of nice in itself. the four of us spend the time talking, tyler and i kicking each other playfully under the table.

on the ride home, i stare over at where tyler's hand rests on the seat between us. i move my hand closer to his until just our pinkies are barely touching. he looks over to me and smiles. i can tell he's getting tired, but he still looks genuinely happy, which makes my heart swell. that's all i want for him really.

when we get back to our houses, we all say goodnight and go into our respective homes, but tyler mouths the word 'window' to me before he steps inside. i say goodnight to my mom and head to my room as quickly as i can, pulling the blinds all the way up and unlocking my window.

tyler is climbing in maybe fifteen minutes later with wet hair and pajamas.

"sorry, i took a quick shower first."

"i don't even care, come here." i pick him up and spin around with him in my arms, setting him down to pepper kisses all over his face. "i'm so proud of you, tyler. you were amazing. i really wanted to do that earlier but i figured i should wait." i smile at him and he giggles, his cheeks turning red.

"thank you. i'm glad you came to watch me, i know sports aren't really your favorite."

"you're my favorite. don't thank me at all." i sit down at the edge of my bed and expect him to sit with me. he doesn't.

instead, he pushes me so i'm laying down and moves to sit on top of me. he leans down, his hands on either side of my head holding him up. he kisses me, slow and passionate. it's soft and intimate and i wasn't expecting this at all, but i'm definitely enjoying it. i bring my hands to rest on his hips and he hums into my mouth, smiling between kisses.

it hits me then, just how special this is. we've known each other for so long, we grew up together. we're still growing up together. we're bonded in so many ways and it's beautiful to me. he's beautiful. he's everything, all i could ever need and all i've ever wanted.

nothing could ever compare to this.

he pulls away for a moment, his cheeks still red. "is this, um, okay?"

"more than okay." i nod.

"i love you, j."

"i love you more."

(an: they r so in love. double update bc last chapter was short and i felt like it.)

summer child // joshler Where stories live. Discover now