50: epilogue

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tyler's point of view

*three and a half years later*

"yeah, my fiancé and i live in the apartments off mulberry," i say, walking to the parking lot with a classmate.

i hardly ever refer to josh as anything but my fiancé in public now, just because i can.

"ooh, fiancé, huh? when's the big day?" she asks, nudging me with her elbow.

"we're waiting until after graduation. there's just a lot with school and work right now, you know?" i spot my car in the lot and start walking that direction.

"yeah, i understand. i hope i get to meet him soon!" she smiles at me, pausing when we get to my vehicle. "it was nice to see you again, tyler. i'm glad we have another class together this year. i probably wouldn't have survived calc if you weren't there."

"i'm sure that's not true." i smile back at her and toss my backpack in my backseat. "but i'm glad too. i'll see you later, jen."

she waves and then walks off to find her own car. i start mine and pull out of my spot to head home. it's a short drive and i'm parked in front of our building in just ten minutes.

when i walk in, josh is doing homework at the kitchen table, focused on whatever's written on the notebook in front of him.

"hey, baby." i set my backpack on the other side of the table and sit next to him, leaving a light kiss on his cheek. "how were your classes today?"

"they were alright. what about yours? how's senior level math treating you?" he smiles at me, his attention no longer on his work.

"good. it's not very hard. the professor is really nice. he talked about his husband and how they met in that class years ago. it was really sweet," i answer.

husband. that's going to be us soon. only one more semester until we graduate. i've been planning our wedding through a pinterest board since he proposed two christmases ago.

"husbands, huh? that's gonna be us by the end of the year," he voices thoughts similar to mine. "you scared? you're gonna be stuck with me forever after that, you know."

"i told you, as long as i've got you by my side, i'll never be scared of anything ever again." i lean forward and kiss him once. "besides, divorce is too expensive anyway."


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