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note: the summer child playlist is linked in my bio if you'd like to listen! i'd recommend at least starting the song in the media portion above at the *** even if you don't listen to the playlist. that's the song i imagined them dancing to! enjoy :)

josh's point of view

i look at myself in my mirror, feeling nervous. i'm not sure why i feel that way, it's just going to be the two of us in his bedroom. we hang out alone together all the time.

tyler arrives three minutes early. i take a deep breath and walk to the door. when i open it, he stands there wearing a dark red button-down and black jeans. he looks incredible.

he's got a yellow flower of some sort in his hand and holds it out to me. "i picked it from miss jensen's garden across the street, don't tell her."

i smile and take it from him, butterflies bursting out of cocoons in my stomach. "thank you."

he holds his hand out in response, taking mine in his and leading us to his house. he opens the door for me and walks us to his room. then he opens that door, revealing the work he'd put in.

there's streamers along the wall, a few balloons in the corner, and a small globe light shining alternating color patterns throughout the room. on his desk, a box of pizza sits next to a couple plates, a small box of cookies, a couple cups, and a pitcher of punch. there's music playing quietly through a bluetooth speaker on his dresser.

he really did put a lot of effort into this and my heart swells. i leave the flower on his dresser and turn to hug him tightly.


"thank you, tyler. this is... amazing," i pull away to look at him, the lights bouncing off his face.

"not lame?" his tone is lighthearted and he smiles at me, but i can tell he's relieved that i like it.

"not at all."

it's quiet for a few seconds before he holds out his hands. "well, may i have this dance?" he gives me a cheesy grin that i could never say no to.

"of course." i step closer to him, my hands going around his waist as his go around my neck.

the lights continue to dance with us, the colors changing slowly as we sway side to side. i recognize the song as one that i'm almost positive is on one of the playlists i've made for him, which means he actually does listen to them.

i see it in my mind, tyler sitting on his bed with his phone in hand, scrolling through his music library, picking and choosing songs carefully, hyper-focused on making the right choices. i see him setting it all up with an intense precision, making sure everything is absolutely perfect.

"i've never really been much of a dancer," he admits. "i hope im doing okay." his smile turns sheepish and he looks away for a second.

"i haven't either, but i think we're doing alright," i reassure him.

he looks so beautiful, standing so close to me, our bodies inches apart. his eyes have a certain sparkle in them, the same sparkle that shows me our future together. our white picket fence after years of roof tiles and windowpanes.

"we've been through a lot, you know." i talk quietly, waiting for his reaction.

"it all lead us to this moment though," he tells me, his lips pink and slightly chapped from the low temperatures outside. "i know i've messed up a lot, but standing here with you, i don't think i'd change any of it. it was worth it to be able to be here. i'm still sorry for the things i did, but i just... i love you so much, josh. i really do," he finishes, his eyes glossy. i can tell he means it, both his apology and his 'i love you.'

"i love you too, tyler." i feel tears begin to form at his words, but not of sadness.

i wish i could read his mind right now, see all of this through his perspective. i wonder if he sees the adoration written all over my face, if he's noticed the way i've been staring at his lips.

i'm glad that i agreed to this, and that there's no one else here. the two of us is all we need tonight and the four walls around us protect our bliss, keeping our moment ours and ours alone. no worries or fear, just shy smiles and teary eyes.

and it's all so perfect. it's everything. it's an eclipse, a supernova, and everything in-between. it's the sunrise on the horizon, the first leaf to fall in the autumn, a sweet, cherry wine, the blue of the ocean. my first and favorite love.

this will live forever in my mind, in a display case of my memories, on the highest shelf, remaining golden and unbreakable until my very last breath.

and even if we never speak again after tonight, this will have been enough for me.


we lay on tyler's bed after an hour or two of dancing, eating our food, and laughing together.

we're laying on our backs, watching the lights on his ceiling and holding hands.

"it's almost christmas," he points out.

"i know. i can't believe the year is almost over already." i look over to him. "i'm glad i've spent the last half of it with you."

he looks back at me, leaning forward to leave a soft kiss on my lips. "i love you."

"i love you," i repeat him. i can't get enough. i could go back and forth for hours, telling him i love him until the end of time.

"do you remember the christmas when we made that huge snowman and it fell over on top of you when you tried to put the hat on?" he giggles and i can't help but want to keep the sound in a jar to have to listen to whenever i want.

"i do." i smile at him, laughing a bit at the
memory. "you laughed at me then, too."

"it was funny! i stopped laughing when you started crying at least. i helped you up and brought you inside and forced my mom to make us hot cocoa," he continues.

we reminisce over the winters we spent together as kids, laughing until we're breathless.

"i will never love anyone the way i love you, tyler joseph."

(an: this is so cute and probably my favorite chapter. i reread and edited the section after the *** like three times to make sure the song started and ended right on time for the break so hopefully none of you read too fast lmao. but i hope you liked it!)

summer child // joshler Where stories live. Discover now