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"Hello my dear" I see an middle aged, well maybe more towards her late forties more like woman stop me as I make my way to the confection shop to apply for a job. The woman has short brown hair, pale skin and brown eyes.

"Hello" I reply in Italian

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"Hello" I reply in Italian

"This may be weird but I know how to help you" I look at her confused "when you sleep your able to do things that scare you, see things that frighten you" I look at her shocked "don't worry my dear, I've come to help"

"Help?" Crossing my arms "how?"

"Come" she walks away and I get the strange feeling that this woman can help. So I follow her down some blocks till we get to a shop called Spiritual Haven. When we enter I look around and soon realize this is one of those witch occult shops.

"Are you a witch?" I ask, she chuckles

"It might look that way" she moves a bunch of hanging beads back motioning me to the back "but no, merely someone who helps those when they need it" looking around "I know what my shop says but only the real users know what they come for...and you Cirilla Swan" my eyes widen. I never told her my name "follow your gut, if you wish to know more about your abilities please come back"

When I walk into the back I see it's like a tarot reading place, a place tricksters use to give fake fortunes and say they can see into your past or future but can't just to get a few bucks from you.

"Your skeptical" she says "you have ever right, but know this" looking at me all serious "you have the potential to do so much with that gift that it does no one any good if your afraid" I pull my sleeves down. She grabs one of my arms and reveals one of many scars I've received whenever I slept.

"You get scars you can't explain since no one believes you" she states, she then shows me her scars "I know the feeling" walking away she goes to a shelf and pulls out a book "my dear what you can do is Astral Project"

"Astral Project?" She hands me a book called The Astral Plane "you mean the ability to leave your body and go through the plane that the normal person can't?"

"In a sense" she sits down, she motions for me to sit. When I do she takes my hand "I can help, but it will come at a cost"


"I have a spare room, you stay here and help me in my shop" she offers "that way you'll be able to learn more and in case if something goes wrong I'm here to help"

"But the family I'm staying with" one thing about this study abroad is that I stay with these kind folks "I can't just leave"

"Let me" placing a hand on her chest "but if I'm able to, will you come live with me and help in my shop?"


~Time Skip~

It's been over a year since moving to Italy, I'm currently learning how to use my Anodite powers. My grandmother Imogen has been teaching me about my true nature. I've learned that Charlie isn't my real father, so I'm having a DNA test done so that Imogen can gain custody of me.

"Okay" Imogen tells me "I want you to figure out your way home, using your powers" putting a blindfold over my eyes "through the mana field. You must also make sure you avoid any blocks such as snakes or cars" I nod my head "I believe in you" I feel her leave soon.

Using my powers I feel the energy and see through my eyes but not really, it's like I'm in the astral plane but I'm awake and I'm letting myself guide my body home. As I walk I soon bump into someone, I almost fall down but someone grabs my hips keeping my steady.

Taking my blind fold off I look up and see I bumped into this really hot guy with black hair, pale skin and dark eyes. "Sorry" I giggle before collecting myself "sorry" taking a step back "I wasn't look where I was going"

"No kidding" he says coldly

"Well if you excuse me" putting the blind fold back on I use my powers and soon I am walking back to my home. I feel someone grab my arm, lifting up my blind I see that guy I bumped into annoyed "yes?"

"Why are you wearing a blind fold?" He asks

"Does it matter to you?"


"Are you going that way" looking around I use my powers and I soon point in the other direction "sorry I mean that way" pointing the other way.

"You don't know where your going" he states

"I do too" he lifts one of his eyebrows "I'm just...wait I don't have to explain myself to you" yanking my arm from him "now if you'll excuse me" pulling my blind fold back down I go one way before realizing I need to go the other way.

"Where do you live?" He demands, I sense him follow me.

"Better question: why are you following me?" I ask walking

"Your wearing a blind fold and walking in some direction" he says "I'll take you home, where do you live?"


"That's in the other direction and if you walk the pace your going at a two days" he growls like an animal

"Look" stopping I wave him off "I have something to do, now be off" I walk away

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